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Tear Jerker / One Piece Film: Red

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  • Uta crying after she is told Shanks was using her to enter Elegia and now that they looted the kingdom and killed everyone, save Gordon, they left her there. The poor girl is hearing them laugh after the massacre. Worse, Uta was the one who destroyed Elegia because she lost control of her devil fruit. Shanks had to lie in order to prevent her from living with the guilt. The Red Hair Pirates were laughing to hide how heartbroken they were that they had to leave a family member behind. Even worse, when they return to Luffy's village, he keep asking where's Uta.
  • How broken Uta was when she found the recording of Gordon's message to the world. Gordon was preparing a message to the world to warn them about what he described as a monster. Uta just discovered that she killed the entire kingdom and Shanks left her to protect her from the guilt. The fact that Gordon took care of her during the last twelve years probably made the discovery worse as she must have thought he was just preventing her from getting out of the island.
  • Uta’s devoted audience and fanbase slowly turning against her and wanting to go home. Uta’s heartbroken and extreme reaction to it show glimpses into how utterly alone she truly is.
  • One that is easily missed, is concerning the Wake-shroom that is slowly killing Uta. Early on Sanji finds one and being a chef recognizes it, later he explains what’s it’s doing to her and in the climax actually beseeches Luffy to not let Uta be alone. He knew she was dying throughout and given how Always Save the Girl-focused Sanji’s character is, its quite heartbreaking. Also explains why he dropped his usual lovesick antics after the start.
  • Uta singing "World's Continuation" to reverse the effects her powers had on the concert goers. As she sings, her breathing becomes more audible in between each verse and more pain filled.
    • The fact that Uta refused and threw away the medicine that could reverse the Wake-shroom poisoning.
  • The Red Hair Pirates found Uta as an infant in a treasure chest in the midst of a celebration, much like how Shanks was found as a baby by Gol D. Roger and Silvers Rayleigh. The film ends with them somberly sailing away with Uta's remains in a casket.
    • The fact that Uta was confirmed to be dead via a tweet from the film's director, dismissing any theories of the Red Hair Pirates pulling a Faking the Dead so Uta can live in peace.
  • Uta's last song before the credits can be heard as everyone begins to wake up. However, she is heard growing weaker as she finishes complete with her eyes losing their shine and becoming duller, a sure enough sign that the Wake Shrooms' poison have finally taken its toll on her. Even worse is that the song is "Where the Wind Blows", a song that Uta wrote when she was a child and performed for the Red Hair Pirates and Luffy in Makino's bar, as shown in the Uta's past episodes of the anime proper. The Red Hair Pirates can do nothing but stand around Shanks in utter silence as Uta sings her childhood song as she lays in her father's arms for what is probably the last time. As a black and white shot of the Red Hairs walking away appears as Uta sings her song, it looks as if Shanks is carrying Uta given his silhouette.
  • Uta and Luffy meeting up in a dream world for a final good-bye. Even without Observation Haki to see what is going on Shanks' ship, Luffy knows his friend is dead.
  • Shanks and his blank dead-eyed stare at the end of the film as his crew sails away with his daughter's casket.
  • God, what happened to Gordon after this? He lost his kingdom and his people, and managed to find peace by raising Uta and teaching her how to sing... and in the end, like Shanks, he lost his daughter to her own despair. The ending montage shows Gordon having somewhat moved on, teaching music to children - but it's still sad to think about how, aside from new students, he may still be deeply lonely.
  • Uta's wish was to make a world where everyone could smile with her music. During the end credits, there are various scenes of characters from the film and beyond all receiving Uta's album and playing it on their snails, everyone singing along and smiling. She got her wish, but isn't around to see it.
    • An image of Uta appears after the credits before fading away into light, leaving behind two feathers colored pink and white, just like her wings in her dream world. They disappear into the sea when the scene shifts to the Sunny, as if telling Luffy goodbye one last time.
