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Tear Jerker / Night Terror

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  • Vinny's backstory is one of these, no doubt about it. His entire reason for existing is just to be an Evil Knockoff of Vince, giving the Boogeyman a final trump card against the Dreamscapers. He was cloned a bit too well, though, giving him Vince's kindness... Which Boogeyman punished him incredibly harshly for. Vinny had to not only suffer through the mind-shattering agony of having his wings ripped off, and then being dumped into an empty universe completely alone, with Boogeyman preventing anybody from coming to help him. When you take into account the amount of time that passes between Night Terror 3 and 1, you wonder just how long he's been sitting there, all alone...
  • Father Time has the ability to see other timelines and alternate versions of himself. Sounds like a great power, right? WRONG. Father Time's powers are a curse he's had to suffer with ever since his creation, for one reason: He doesn't have the ability to stop seeing other timelines. Given his status as the universe's favorite person to murder, this leads to a lot of mental suffering. To the point where he ripped out his own eyes just to make it stop. And even that didn't work.
    • Father Time's suffering doesn't just end with his ability to see other timelines (and the horrible events that happen therein). During his time in the Dreamscape he developed emotional attachments to the other people there, whether he wanted to or not. Mother Nature -formerly known as Hylophobia- was assigned as his reformation buddy while they were under Sasalina's care and eventually a romance blossomed between the two of them. They eventually got married and had twins: Life and Death. Sounds like a happy ending for him, right? Well, it would be if Night Terror 2 didn't happen. The Boogeyman infiltrated Dreamscape and murdered Mother Nature, in front of her husband and children, then took Life and Death away to be corrupted into Ynotophobia and Thanatophobia respectively. Father Time then allows the Boogeyman to turn him back into a phobia because all he wants is his family back. When Vince and Oak go to confront him, he looks like this, and Deo said that he in a constant state of torment. Stuck between wanting to destroy Vince and Oak because he was ordered to, and not wanting to fight them because they're his friends. The Night Terror 2 boss fight with Chronophobia ends with him allowing the hour glass he carries to shatter. This kills him permanently, with no chance at reformation. Shanta brings him back to life at the end of the game, but still...
