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Tear Jerker / Neverwinter Nights

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"If any thought the sentence unjust, they remained silent."
  • The fate of Fenthick at the end of Chapter One. Though he was undoubtedly an Horrible Judge of Character for trusting Desther, he truly was a good soul who wanted to find a cure for the city. He goes mad once Desther reveals himself as a traitor, and the Hero of Neverwinter will find him later traumatised and still in denial. After the execution of Desther, Nasher has no choice but to declare Fenthick as well guilty, having him hanged to appease the furious citizens of Neverwinter. The cutscene shows Aribeth in tears before his dead body, and the narrator remarks that she had no saying over the matter: the search for the cult required everyone to remain firmly loyal and not to discuss what was done.
  • The section of the original campaign in Charwood gradually becomes one as the PC discovers what happened there.
  • A woman in Luskan asks you to find her seven children who were taken by High Captain Bram after her home was invaded and her husband killed. Find their nanny and you'll find that the younger children were killed and eaten by the older children who were turned into some kind of creature. If you tell the woman her children are dead, she will thank you, walk outside and throw herself at the nearest gang members.
  • In Chapter Three, Daelan can relate a story to the Hero of Neverwinter about the death of Uthgar Gardolfsson. On the eve of a great battle, a small Uthgardt child wanted to aid in the battle. Being so young - not even a youth, by Daelan's account - his request was refused, and he was told to take refuge with the women and other infants. Not to be deterred, he stole into Uthgar's tent, stole his spear and strode out to meet the enemy alone. Being so young, he got himself lost and by the time he returned, the Uthgardt had won a Pyrrhic Victory and Uthgar fell in battle. Blamed for the death of their king, the boy was banished from the Uthgardt and took the spear with him, never to be seen again. The death of King Uthgar and the subsequent destruction of the Uthgardt nation came about because a child wanted to help. Daelan parallels this story with the death of Fenthick and Aribeth's subsequent betrayal.
  • The fate of the Hero of Neverwinter after the OC is completely unknown. If they were good aligned and redeemed Aribeth, they railed against Nasher Alagondar's judgement and execution of her and left the city, never to return.
  • In Hordes, the Sleeping Man's True Love is randomly determined. If it turns out to be the Sensei, get the tissues ready. The Sensei has devoted her entire life to worship of the Sleeping Man and truly is in love with him. When you awake him and tell the two of them that she is the True Love he's been waiting for, she panics, not ready for a closer relationship , and teleports away to parts unknown leaving him to follow.
  • Opting to kill Aribeth instead of convincing her to submit herself to Nasher's judgement in the original campaign, and convincing her to remain as a blackguard in Hordes. To see a paragon of justice being broken and converted into an evil being is heartbreaking.
