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Tear Jerker / My Country: The New Age

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  • The series starts with Hwi and Seon-ho duelling in the middle of a battle. Then it flashes back ten years to them play-fighting. The contrast between past and present is heart-wrenching.
  • Hwi's reaction to Seon-ho cheating on their exam by attacking him from behind and snatching his victory away from him at the last moment. After being thrown out of the palace he stands there with an utterly devastated expression.
  • The flashback to Hwi as a child begging Nam Jeon to let him bury his father's body... and Nam Jeon closes the door in his face.
  • After betraying Hwi to pass the exam, Seon-ho learns that he had no need to cheat because his father had already bribed the examiner so he would get first place. When he confronts his father about this Nam Jeon deliberately grabs his injured arm and presses down on the wound.
  • Hwi is beaten up and dragged away from Yeon while screaming for Seon-ho. When he's in prison he asks the soldiers to tell Seon-ho where he is.
    Soldier: [Seon-ho]'s the one who sent you here.
    • Hwi is forced to become a soldier and sent away to fight. Hui-jae runs to see him before he goes, but she's too late and the boat has already left.
    • Hui-jae confronts Seon-ho afterwards.
    Hui-jae: What if it had happened to you? What do you think Hwi would've done? He would've gotten you out of there no matter what. Even if you had been dragged to hell.
  • In spite of how horrible he is and how he caused the tragedy, Seon-gye's reaction to Bang-seok's death is pretty sad.
    Seong-gye: Then as a father, must I get back at my own son for killing my child? Or do nothing but wail like a beast that has lost its cub?
