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Tear Jerker / Mighty Joe Young

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Original film

  • Watching Joe getting more and more depressed as he's confined in a cage. While working at O'Hara's nightclub.
    Gregg: (sadly looks on as Joe pushes his dinner tray away, refusing to eat) Looks like you lost your appetite. So, have I.
  • After Joe has finished his rampage in the nightclub. Jill is able to lead him back to his cage while Gregg and Max hold off the police. All seems well, until several gunshots can be heard. Fortunately, it's only the police shooting the lions who'd escaped during the chaos. Still, it's a bit heartbreaking to see Jill's reaction.
    Jill: (looking terrified) Joe!
  • During the courtroom scene, after the judge concludes that Joe must be put down, he apologizes to Jill, who starts bawling.

1998 film

  • The death of Dr. Ruth Young. Made all the worse in that we don't actually see her go — the camera fades back as she and Jill sing their favorite African lullaby one last time. Which is also sung at her funeral.
  • Joe's Disney Death while saving the boy from the burning Ferris wheel.
