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Tear Jerker / Mick Foley

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  • Mick was very good friends with Chyna and her unexpected 2016 death hit him hard. Mick's initial response to her death on Facebook spoke of how grateful he was in particular for the kindness Chyna showed his daughter Noelle, but when he recounted the time that he'd reassured her that it wasn't important if she wasn't inducted into the Hall of Fame because she already was and would always be a wrestling legend it was enough to bring tears to the eyes.
    "So next year, when the announcements are made, if Chyna is not an inductee, don't be sad. The real Hall of Fame is inside all of us. It's a Hall of Fame based on the way superstars made us feel, the smiles they produced, the memories they created for us, the legacies they forged that will stand the test of time. By that standard, Joanie Laurer - Chyna; the 9th Wonder of the World was inducted into the Hall that really matters - our hall of memories - a long, long time ago."
