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Tear Jerker / Marvel Future Avengers

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  • Episode 1, the moment when Makoto learns the truth from Adi and Chloé. That the people who had been raising them all their lives, are actually villains. Who have been lying to the kids from the beginning. Makoto is understandably hesitant to believe it, at first.
    • Adi's description of what H.Y.D.R.A. made him and Chloé do on their missions, while lacking details. Still sounds rather, unpleasant.
    Adi: They ordered us to do terrible things. The kind of things I never wanna talk about again.
    • Adi and Chloé choosing to stay behind, both to buy Makoto time to escape the island. While also hoping to find and rescue Bruno. Also counts as heartwarming.
    • The reveal that Bruno had already known all about H.Y.D.R.A., having learned the truth even before Adi and Chloé did.
  • Episode 2, When Makoto joins the Avengers in their battle with Red Skull. The boy demands Red Skull tell him were Adi, Chloé, and Bruno are being held. The leader of H.Y.D.R.A. instead mocks Makoto's "attempt" at being a hero. Makoto seems pretty shaken when Red Skull claims the boy will only ever be a "second-string villain".
    • Turns out Bruno isn't actually evil. He's just dependent on H.Y.D.R.A. due to the mechanical parts in his body needing maintenance every three days.
    • The moment when Bruno revealed he'd felt abandoned after Makoto escaped the island. It's particularly sad since Makoto had every intention of coming back to rescue him, along with Adi and Chloé.
    Bruno: You did this... Everything is your fault!
  • Episode 3 starts off on a downer. As the H.Y.D.R.A. base is falling apart all around them. Makoto saves Bruno from falling into a fiery inferno by grabbing his arm. Sadly, Makoto no longer has the strength left to simply fly them to safety. Bruno meanwhile is in the middle of a Heroic BSoD and has resigned himself to die. Doing nothing as Makoto begins to lose his grip, only smiling as he let's go of Makoto's arm. Willingly plunging into the inferno below.
    Bruno: I thought the two of us were supposed to be the bad guys. That it was our fate, know what I mean? But, whenever I talked with you about the future I felt, different. You made me feel like a hero. Thanks for everything, Makoto.
    • Tony feeling guilty, since he'd told Makoto and the other kids to stay put in the base. Not knowing the place was rigged to self-destruct.
  • Episode 6, Wasp explaining Iron Man's origin story. Which, played out much like it did in the Iron Man film.
    • The fact that there is a Future Avengers version of Yinsen. Knowing that he likely suffered the same fate as his film counterpart.
    • Adi's dilemma throughout the episode. Thinking his past with H.Y.D.R.A. makes him unfit to be a hero.
    Adi: The things that I've done... No, I'm no hero.
    • Adi coming down a bit hard on Tony, after learning about his past as an arms merchant. Considering the two had always been on pretty good terms up to that point.
  • Episode 8, Bruno attacking and injuring Wasp. Especially after she had only been trying to be nice to him. This greatly angers the rest of the Avengers.
    • Makoto and Bruno's reunion, what should be a happy occasion. Is marred by Bruno ranting about wanting power, so that he could finally beat Makoto and thus "prove himself". While Makoto is left confused and heartbroken by Bruno's cruel words.
    Makoto: I don't understand what's happening to you. You wanted power, so you could beat me? What are you talking about? I thought we were a team!?
  • Episode 16, while Steve manages to find Bucky and save him from any further brainwashing curtesy of Arnim Zola. Their happy reunion is cut tragically short, thanks to the heroes called the Winter Guard. Who want to imprison Bucky for the crimes he had committed as the Winter Solider.
    • Watching Bucky willingly handing himself over to the Winter Guard, so that they will release the imprisoned Captain America. He then speaks to Cap, for what he thinks will likely be the last time.
    Bucky: The two of us go way back. You're my best friend and nothing can change that. Looking ahead, I know you're going to be worried about me. I can't stop you. But I need you to do something else, too. Take care of yourself, Steve. No matter what happens. Make sure you find the things that bring you joy and make you happy.
  • Episode 17, Crimson Dynamo and Ura Major seemingly dying in a massive explosion. Fortunately, they'd actually survived unharmed thanks to the sturdiness of Dynamo's armor.
    • Dark Star is also nearly killed when a missile is fired at the Winter Guard's homebase. Sadly, Red Guardian can do little for her. Though thankfully, she does eventually recover from her injuries.
  • Episode 20, even though it was bound to happen. Loki's betrayal of Thor. Which happened after what appeared to be a genuine heartwarming moment. It really stings thanks in part to his fake Heroic Sacrifice in Taking the Bullet for Thor literally seconds beforehand.
