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Tear Jerker / Maribat AU

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  • The beginning of any fanfic where Marinette is in a position to be adopted by Bruce Wayne. There are many possibilities for the reason why but not many of them are good, such as:
    • Her parents tragically dying.
    • Her parents no longer able to take care of her due to circumstance.
    • Marinette being on the run or faking her death so she can't come in contact with them.
    • Her parents believing Lila's lies so they kick her out of their home or sending her away to live somewhere else so she can "reform her ways", believing in the worst of Marinette.
  • There several fics where before the story starts, Marinette was kidnapped by Chat Noir/Adrien kidnaps her for a while. Sometimes, she is simply just kidnapped but sometimes it's worse. It's shown in the fics that it still greatly affects her to a point where she has PTSD. It also doesn't help that this is sometimes how she finds out Chat Noir's civilian identity.
