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Tear Jerker / Love and Redemption

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  • While Xuan Ji is settling in at Xu Yang Peak and learning to fly, Si Feng is going through the Thirteen Tribulations and can't understand why Xuan Ji isn't responding to his messages. Especially painful when the scene cuts from Xuan Ji flying around to Si Feng crawling through the snow.
  • The flashbacks to Xuan Ji's and Si Feng's previous incarnations.
    • Incarnation one: Xuan Ji as the God of War discovered Bai Ling manipulated her. She storms in to confront him, and as punishment he sends her to endure ten reincarnations of misery.
    • Incarnation two: Xuan Ji's father, brother and her other male relatives were framed and beheaded because her father tried to expose corruption in the court. Xuan Ji is made a slave and sold to a brothel. When she finally escapes she kills the Qiao family and burns down their house.
  • Min Yan's speech to the fake Ling Long.
    Min Yan: It's more than a coincidence that you look exactly the same as [Ling Long]. Wu Tong made you because he couldn't obtain her. Wu Tong [...] made you his puppet. And you will only adopt an appearance and a personality that suit his liking! You're wearing red because that's Ling Long's favourite colour. Wu Tong is treating you well only because he wanted the real Ling Long. You're not a flower demon and you're not Ling Long either. You're just a monster that resembles no one.
