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Tear Jerker / Little Misfortune

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Knowing that this girl is named Misfortune, the game's ending shouldn't come as a surprise.

  • One of the toys Misfortunate can bring is Stoney the stone. It's a rock that her father threw at her. The top of it is covered in her blood. She made the bloodstain into Stoney's hair.
  • Misfortune finding George, the father of one of the missing children, hanging in his art studio. From the photo of them in his studio, it seemed he really cared for his son and killed himself out of despair after his disappearance.
  • Misfortune losing Hiro. She tried to save him from being taken away by the monster, but to no avail as she hopelessly watched him fade away from her grasp.
  • The ending after The Big Bad was defeated. Misfortune being Dead All Along since the beginning and crossing over to Senerseede, one of the realms of the Ultrareality, where she takes refuge along with Benjamin and his Master, and even with the late George's puppy and possibly the other victims that successfully escaped from Morgo's game.
    • Her farewell says it all:
      Mommy. I'm going to go somewhere else. With Benji. OK? He's the fox that I like. I'm a little lady, you know? That's what I am. (Beat) I guess I was your little misfortune for a while... But you need to find your own happiness now. I'll love you forever...
  • The scene where Misfortune eats "candy" off the ground and has a dream sequence of eating dinner with her family; her dad isn't even present (replaced with a doll that soon catches fire) and her mother is wearing a creepy mask and not eating at all. Misfortune looks down sadly, and once the doll catches fire she starts to cry as she looks upon her own heart. For all of Misfortune's cheery acceptance of her situation, she's a miserable child and deep down she knows it.
    • Nevermind the fact that in the beginning of the hallucination she's sitting in a dark room, empty except for a chair she's sitting on, quietly whimpering in despair. Someone give the poor girl a hug.
  • If the player managed to fulfill the requirements, then Misfortune can succeed on winning the prize of "Eternal Happiness" for her mother... which is both heartwarming and heart-wrenching at the same time if you pay attention to Misfortune's life with her family, especially her mother's situation : All these "glitters" that Misfortune collected for the crystals on the tree at the end all transported to her mother's heart after she finished talking with the police officer. Then, the mother takes off the mask that she wore for her false smile, to reveal her sorrowful face... that slowly shifts to a small genuine smile. Yes, you've probably guessed what her "Eternal Happiness" really is: the fact that Misfortune's death has freed her from the heavy burden of being forced to raise a child she never wanted in the first place.
  • The fact that Misfortune's parents literally named their daughter "Misfortune" after not having the opportunity to abort her. And her mother told her eight-year-old daughter to her face that she'd wanted an abortion when she was conceived.
