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Tear Jerker / Leverage: Redemption

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Shed a few for Leverage: Redemption.

Season 1

The Too Many Rembrandts Job

  • If you're a fan of the original show, watching Sophie wake up alone in the pilot is sure to twist your gut.

The Tower Job

  • This episode focuses on Harry Wilson's Dark and Troubled Past. He started as an idealistic lawyer, only to wind up helping Corrupt Corporate Executives escape the consequences of their actions. He eventually regained his conscience, but his guilt is tearing him up inside — which is the reason he joined Team Leverage in the first place.

The Paranormal Hacktivity Job

  • The team's client, Tina, spends the first half of the episode convinced that she's not being scammed and is actually being haunted by her great aunt Mildred. The reason? On the day Mildred died, Tina left the house to get coffee, only to return to see that Mildred had died. Died alone, while trying to get to Tina's room.
  • In an attempt to get Tina to stick around to see the truth, Parker relates how the team helped her learn psychics weren't real. But notice how she says it was Sophie and her friends who helped. If you watched the previous series, you'd know that Sophie wasn't around in that episode—Tara was. It's sad to think that even after all these years, Parker still never fully accepted Tara as part of the team.
    • Either that, or Parker is just streamlining the story for Tina (and the audience).

The Mastermind Job

  • Sophie spends much of the episode despondent, and for good reason: not only is it the anniversary of the day she and Nate met, but somebody claiming to be Nate Ford, the man she loved and lost, is writing a book about everything they did as part of Leverage—and she's not mentioned anywhere in it.
  • Nate was a kind, thoughtful, inspiring person when he worked at IYS. He cared about people, remembered their birthdays, made it a point to appreciate people who were usually overlooked, helped them find what was special about them. And then his son died...

The Muddy Waters Job

  • The episode's Downer Ending. The villains cover their tracks by blowing up an oil rig where Eliot had gone undercover, befriending many of his co-workers in the process. And on top of that, Harry seems to be turning into a Sixth Ranger Traitor. Fortunately, all this is resolved in the next episode, but still...

The Harry Wilson Job

  • Maria finally has evidence she can't ignore that Eliot's not a covert guy, not deep undercover, not black ops. He asked her for a MacGuffin he could have easily gotten if he was one of those guys. She confronts him and he tells her that, yes, he operates on the wrong side of the law, something he's been dreading telling her. And she confirms he was right. She walks away. Worse, we see that Eliot took advantage of their Almost Kiss before she left to steal the MacGuffin.

Season 2

The Museum Makeover Job

  • Sophie wistfully staring at her hand after her stepdaughter Astrid shakes it. It's probably the first time Sophie has seen her in person since she was a little girl, but she clearly still cares deeply about her and has been keeping tabs on her this whole time. And she can't even let her know who she is—she has to improvise a character on the spot so that Astrid doesn't arrest her right there.
