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Tear Jerker / LEGO Dimensions

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  • Batman's sigh when Two Face flips his coin. Especially if you know your Batman mythos since Bruce Wayne believes Harvey Dent may still have some good in him.
  • X-PO's Disney Death.
  • GLaDOS's increasingly exasperated dialogue during her boss fight in the Portal level pack makes for a real Player Punch, especially for people who played Portal 2 to completion:
    GLaDOS: I let you GO. I sent you AWAY. Why won't you leave me alone? Forever!?
  • GLaDOS's song at the end of Story Mode has a fairly bittersweet quality to itnote , even if she still peppers it with her usual passive aggressive humor. By this point, she truly seems to miss Chell and isn't even trying to hide it at some points. And then there's this from the very first verse:
    "Everything clean.
    Nothing on fire
    All by myself.
  • Occasionally when removing Doc Brown from the toy pad he'll mistakenly believe he's being erased from the timeline.
  • Two concerning the friendship between Marceline and Simon Petrikov:
    • The Adventure Time World has a mission based on the episode "Simon and Marcy". Try not to cry when meeting Simon, before he completely became the Ice King.
    • If the present-day Marceline encounters a puzzle she can't solve, she'll sometimes recall Simon solving a similar one, then lament that she didn't think she'd still need him when she'd grow up.
