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Tear Jerker / Kill la Kill AU

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"I'm really pissed at you, Sats..."

  • The Forbidden Room Arc
  • We also have For Six Years, where Satsuki pours her heart out to her sisters about their behavior.
    Satsuki: What I am trying to say is that I want my sisters back and that I do not want to lose them. I've lost so much and I do not intend to lose anyone else.
  • From one of the fanfics, we have a mortally injured Ryuuko, for once at peace uttering, "Sunshine..."
  • From comic 41 Wish (Part One), we have a tearful Ryuuko wishing to be the sick one so Satsuki wouldn't have to be, which ends with her being shown in a hospital, sick, and her condition gradually gets worse.
  • Room 002108
  • The fact that Ryuuko, due to poor health, counts how much time she might have left or the fact that she seems be so broken by being an ill girl, that she does consider death to be a release. She's nine by the way.
    Ryuuko: No, not really, no, then again it's the truth, isn't it? A life being spent in and out of hospitals, attached to medicines and machines, and having doctors squeeze money out of you or loved ones, while playing craps with your life doesn't really have a lot of promise and its more like living attached to an hourglass, where the sand runs out, and you can't do jackshit about it. To be honest, death will have been a sweet release. If death means peace and happiness, then I don't want to go attached to machines and medicines.
  • The fanfic Snowflakes is rather sad if looked at from a different perspective in that, as far she knew, Ryuuko had nothing to lose and wanted to spend what could have been her last moments doing what she loved, playing in the snow.
    Satsuki: In a way, thinking back on that night, she wanted to make what could've been her last moments happy and was even happier that someone shared that happiness with her.
