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Tear Jerker / Jeopardy!

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Art Fleming (1964-1975):

  • The final episode of the original series from January 3, 1975, complete with a rendition of Charlie Chaplin's "Smile". And the final shot? The darkened set.
    Art Fleming: All I can say is, thank you again, for 11 wonderful years. Well, I guess that's it. Someday, somewhere, we may all meet again. Until then, goodbye, take care, and God bless.

Alex Trebek (1984-2021):

  • The episode for November 9, 2020 began with a post-production bit in which then-executive producer Mike Richards tells viewers that Alex Trebek passed away over the weekend and comes close to crying doing so. He adds that the remaining 35 episodes Trebek had taped would air, ending with him saying "On behalf of everyone here at Jeopardy!, thank you for everything, Alex" and solemnly saying the iconic "This is Jeopardy!" line before the lights on the set go down.
  • January 8, 2021: The last episode hosted by Alex Trebek ended with a video tribute made up of clips of him hosting the show, with Hugh Jackman's version of "Once Before I Go" playing. You'd have to be lying to say that you didn't cry during this. The kicker? What goes on to be Alex's final sign-off on his final episode:
    Alex: Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for spending the time with us. We'll see you again next week.
  • January 11, 2021: On his first day as guest host, Ken Jennings fights back tears, reminiscing about Alex.
    Ken: You know, sharing this stage with Alex Trebek was one of the greatest honors of my life. Not many things in life are perfect, but Alex did this job pretty much perfectly for more than 36 years, and it was even better up close. We were dazzled by his intelligence, his charm, his grace...really, there's no other word for it. Like all Jeopardy! fans, I miss Alex, very much, and I thank him for everything he did for all of us. Let's be totally clear: no one will ever replace the great Alex Trebek, but we can honor him by playing the game he loved.


  • Super Jeopardy! on the NES has some text in the opening credit screen below programmer David Wiebenson, which is "dedicated to (his) father". Typing in the name "Walt Wiebenson" (said father's name) in the Name Entry gives you this Easter Egg screen:

