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Tear Jerker / Ice Age: Collision Course
aka: Ice Age 5 Collision Course

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  • After Sid's Granny ends up on the crater nearby the meteor that caused the KT extinction event in the middle of the night, the Herd are unable to find her and when they lose track of her scent nearby the carter, Sid is heartbroken and begins to cry when they assume she fell to her death. Thankfully she was alive and well.
  • Sid saying goodbye to Brooke and to his granny who decided to leave the herd and stay with Shangri Llama and the others citizens of Geotopia.
  • When all hope for save themselves from the incoming extinction event seems lost, Peaches begins to cry at the thought she will be unable to marry Julian and start living their life together.
    • In the same scene, Manny and Ellie gently agreeing that it's been a good life together. They muse on how much they didn't want their baby girl to leave them and live her own life, but now, they regret it since she seemingly won't get to do it at all.
  • Despite Julian being The Pollyanna, when he catches Manny childishly making fun of him, he is visibly hurt.
  • In the climax, the animals can do nothing but wait to see if their plan works, and get front row seats to the asteroid arriving to Earth. As it gets closer, the animals brace themselves for the end, like the couples holding onto each other and everyone closes their eyes. Thankfully, the day is saved, but they looked certain death in the eye.

Alternative Title(s): Ice Age 5 Collision Course
