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Tear Jerker / Henry Danger

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  • In Indestructible Henry, Part 2, Henry actually looks dead after he is shot with a cannon. What really sells it is Ray's reaction since he believes that he had accidentally killed Henry since he doesn't know what the audience knows; Henry is indestructible and recovers a moment later.
  • In Hour of Power, Part 1, after being defeated and publicly humiliated by Drex, a former sidekick of Captain Man, Henry quits his job as Kid Danger.
    Captain Man: Oh, come on, Henry, you can't just go home now that this town needs you most.
    Henry: This town needs a superhero, or at least a decent sidekick who has skills, or... who has anything. I'm nothing.
  • In JAM Session, when Piper starts crying after her friends tell her that they don't want to hang with her anymore due to her yelling and screaming whenever something doesn't go her way via phone call, believing that they don't like her anymore. Doubles as Heartwarming when Henry and her mom tell her that they do like her, but they just don't want to hang out with her because of her anger issues.
  • In the fourth to last episode it's revealed that because Henry has been doing hero work with Ray, he's missed too many classes and all his friends are graduating without him. Henry is devastated as he has essentially sacrificed his future being a sidekick. When Ray tells Henry not to worry and that he will have a future as the new Captain Man when he retires, that's the last straw for Henry, and the two get into a harsh argument.
    Henry: I don't want the job.
    Ray: Oh, really? Because I'm starting to question your commitment to Swellview.
    Henry: My commitment to Swellview- are you kidding me?!
    Ray: Well, you don't seem very committed to me.
    Henry: I'm not graduating from high school because of how committed I am to this job!
    Ray: (sarcastically) Oh, all my friends are leaving, and I'm stuck here in Swellview, being a sidekick and saving lives!
    Henry: Exactly! I've been too busy saving everybody else's life, I forgot to have one of my own!
    Ray: You swore an oath to defend this city!
    Henry: When I was thirteen!
    Ray: So?!
    Henry: So maybe I don't want to do it anymore!
    Ray: Yeah, cause you're obviously terrified of being stuck here in Swellview with me.
    Henry: Yeah, Ray. I am. [...] I don't wanna be your sidekick for another thirty, or forty, or fifty years!
    Ray: But, man, that was always the plan! You be my sidekick, and then you take over as Captain Man when I retire!
    Henry: No, no, no, I don't want to be Captain Man, okay? I don't ever want to be Captain Man! I will never, ever be Captain Man!
    Ray: Then why are you even here?
    Henry: That's a good question. (pops a de-transformation gumball into his mouth and gives Ray the tube)
    Ray: What are you doing?
    Henry: Quitting. (blows a bubble and changes out of his costume, prompting everyone to gasp) Hey everyone. I'm Henry Hart. (tosses Ray his communicator) And I used to be Kid Danger.
  • Despite her over-the-top brattiness, you can't help but feel sorry for Piper in "Spoiler Alert". She really wants to join the Man Fans due to her love of Kid Danger, but the club president, Paula, won't let her, even after Piper passes the initiation ritual by eating hair soup and even demands that she take a selfie with Captain Man, despite the odds of that being possible. What's worse is that Paula is a huge Jerkass throught the entire episode, even if Piper so much as says hi to her, to the point where Charlotte, Henry, and Ray are disgusted by this. This is also one of the few times we see Piper being sad and vulnerable instead of her typical shrill and mean demeanor.
  • In "Caved In", it’s revealed Ray never had a normal childhood ever since he became indestructible—his father took him out of school and trained his son to be a superhero. He never even learned how to ride a bike.
  • In “Tears of the Jolly Beetle”, Captain Man loses his indestructibility thanks to a perfume containing the tears of the jolly beetles. He eventually stops being a hero out of fear of being injured.
  • In "Super Volcano", a volcano is apparently going to destroy the world, so the characters just wait for their doom while none of their loved ones know. Thankfully, it turns out it’s erupting in 17 million years.
  • Gerta breaking up with Schwoz in "Twin Henrys".
  • "Ox Pox" has Piper eating Schwoz’s cookie that gives her an old illness, with the only cure being from an extinct bird. Naturally, Henry freaks out.
    • Ray almost freezing to death in said episode.
  • In "I Know Your Secret", Henry finds out that Jasper knows his "secret". He then reveals he's Kid Danger, but it turns out the secret Jasper was talking about was that he went to a movie without him. Then Ray convinces Henry to erase all his memories, but Henry takes a few last moments with his friends.
    • Then Henry threatens to quit if erases Jasper's brain.
  • In "The Secret Gets Out", Charlotte figures out Henry is Kid Danger, and Ray is forced to fire him due to the oath they made.
