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Tear Jerker / Haré+Guu

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As a Moments page, all spoilers are unmarked!

Hare+Guu (1997-2002)

  • Basically, the entire Back Story of Weda, and thus, that of the whole series. Made even stronger when you consider this is a crazy comedy! Turns out Weda had been disowned by her father for getting pregnant at the age of 14, and her mother never tried to approach her or comfort her or anything, so Weda fled to the jungle — the Hare in the title is the son she had been raising and truly loving in a way that her own mother never did to her (she thought). Fast-forward to Episode 14, where 11-year-old Hare himself finds it out not from Weda, but from an old friend. Hare feels that all of his mother's suffering was HIS fault, and sheds tears. But that's when Weda tells him that is untrue, and that she "loves him more than words can describe".

Hareguu (2003-2009)

  • The finale of the Hareguu manga. One night, Guu appears in Hare's dreams and says a few cryptic things that seem to hint at her true nature. The next day, she's just... gone, without as much as a goodbye. Not only isn't she anywhere to be found, but nobody even remembers her existence. Hare, figuring she's playing a prank on him, waits patiently for weeks, then months... but eventually wonders if he had just imagined Guu to begin with. Then he hears that the people who lived in Guu's stomach have turned up in the real world, alive and well, but without remembering the last few years. At that moment, he understands that Guu indeed really existed, and she's indeed gone for good... at which point he breaks down crying. For all the torment she inflicted on him, he really misses her.
