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Tear Jerker / Hacksaw Ridge

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Unmarked spoilers are ahead, per Spoilers Off rule.

  • Almost every scene featuring Tom Doss. He genuinely loves his wife and children, but Post-Traumatic Stress from his experience in World War I and the alcoholism it caused have almost completely ruined him, leaving him a bitter, violent drunk wracked by survivor's guilt and self-loathing. Though he never quite comes out and says it, it's clear that the one thing that worries him as much as losing his sons is seeing them turn out like himself.
    • The scene after Hal enlists and Tom starts ranting at dinner about how he hopes that Hal gets hit in the chest so the entry wound is clean, unlike his friend, Arty, who got hit in the back, spilled his guts and blood, and ruined his uniform. The family just watches him in silence.
  • Doss's Heroic BSoD after Smitty gets killed.
    Doss: What is it you [God] want of me? I don't understand. I can't hear you.
  • During the battle, Doss encounters another medic who is wounded. Doss offers him plasma but the medic wants him to give it to someone else. When Doss attempts to give the plasma to a different wounded soldier, the plasma container is hit by a stray bullet and shatters. After the battle, Doss finds out that the medic didn't survive. He went into shock due to lack of plasma. Since neither man got the plasma after the medic turned it down, it becomes something of a Senseless Sacrifice, albeit an unintentional one.
  • The sheer amount of respect Doss earned after his marathon of saving lives, Captain Glover goes up to Doss and tells him he was wrong about calling him a coward and hope he could forgive him one day. Knowing Doss, he probably already had.
