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Tear Jerker / Gundam: Reconguista in G

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  • In episode 6, Bellri realizes that the pilot of the enemy mobile suit is Dellensen right as he kills him.
  • In episode 24, Gusion's death by a stray shot through the ship's main room. What makes it heartbreaking is that Aida in the Arcane was right there when it happens.
  • A Franchise-wide one in Episode 25, when you see that the caves Bellri and Luin are fighting in are actually the abandoned and long-forgotten ruins of Jaburo base, with a pair of Z'Goks lying in one corner. Not only a reminder of how all classic characters are long gone, but also showing how even over a Millenium after the one-year war, very little has fundamentally changed in the world at large.
