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Tear Jerker / G.I. Joe (IDW)

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  • From G.I. Joe vol. 3 #13, "Inferno". Dante Alighieri writes The Divine Comedy as an allegory for Cobra's potential to ascend from the "Inferno" of criminal acts and terrorism to "Paradiso", becoming a virtuous force for good... but though he's stunned by its beauty, Dante's "old friend" the Cobra Commander has him poisoned, sadly concluding that they'll never escape the inferno. It's sad enough that even the Baroness is at a loss for words.
  • G.I. Joe: Hearts & Minds:
    • The second issue provides background for Tripwire, explaining how he can be so at ease while defusing bombs in tense conditions. While in college, he took a semester abroad at Imperial College London, where he met a girl and fell in love. While working on a bomb, he thinks about all her favorite things, taking his mind off the danger. After his semester was over and before he could come back to the girl who was waiting for him, she was killed in the 7/7 London bombings. He doesn't worry about the bombs because if one does go off, he'll finally be reunited with her.
    • Doc failing to save the baby at the end of his story in the fourth issue.
