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Tear Jerker / From a Certain Point of View

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  • "The Red One" is difficult to sit through due to the "Shaggy Dog" Story detailed in the main entry (and the implication that R5 made a Heroic Sacrifice). Thankfully, he gets a happy ending for all the trouble he goes through.
  • "Master and Apprentice" has Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan's last meeting before Obi-Wan's death, and consists of Qui-Gon apologizing to Obi-Wan for everything that's happened to him.
  • "The Secrets of Long Snoot" reveals Garindan, a character consistently portrayed as a straightforward villain until this story, to just be an old Kubaz who wants to reunite with his family after the Empire ruined his life by attempting to brainwash him and transplanting him far from home as a spy (while secretly planning to undermine the Empire). As he tries to make enough credits to get a ship back to Kubindi, he learns from his daughter via communication channel that his wife died while he was away. It also turns out him reporting the Rebel droids to the Empire would have been his last step to getting a ship, and when he doesn't get paid due to the Empire's failure to capture the droids (and giving them an excuse to forfeit the bounty), he's no closer to saving his homeworld. To be fair, his failure saves the galaxy eventually, but he sure suffers a lot for it in the present.
  • "Eclipse", as you'd expect for a story about Bail and Breha's last moments on Alderaan, and their helplessness and despair in the face of the Death Star. But the author adds some by revealing that they had no idea whether or not Leia survived the capture of the Tantive IV and their last words are just holding each other and praying that Leia is still alive.
  • "By Whatever Sun" has Miara Larte commanding an Alderaanian crew after its destruction, and realizing that she herself can never go home.
  • "Duty Roster" and "Grounded" both have personnel on Yavin 4 left to passively watch the progress of the battle from briefing rooms and the command center on the Rebel Base. "Duty Roster" has a group of Red Squadron pilots watching their comrades die, and "Grounded" is from the point of view of the overworked maintenance technicians, who are hoping their work was good enough to help keep their pilots alive.
  • Several of the stories reference loved ones, far away from the danger. Most of these people are implied to be on what the Rebels think is the safest planet in the galaxy: Alderaan.
  • One story is told from Aunt Beru's perspective, after her death. She talks about the life she could have lead if she and Owen hadn't adopted Luke, and how they knew exactly how much danger they were putting themselves in. Her only regrets in death were that Luke had to see what happened to them, and that she'd never get to see him raise a family of his own (which is doubly tearjerking since the sequels show that he will never have a family of his own).
  • Obi Wan narrates his story posthumously as well. It is painful how much it hurts him to see Anakin again and how much his failures haunts him.
  • Yoda's story too constantly reiterates how terribly lonely and filled with regret the old master has become. He feels Obi Wan's death and mourns the loss of what might have been his last friend in the galaxy.
