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Tear Jerker / Forsaken

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  • The Legendaries trying to save the world and failing. They would then struggle to fix it up with their immortality and powers stripped away as punishment, and they slowly acknowledge the fact they can die at a moment's notice.
    • Mind you, many of them were always immortal, and those who became immortal forgot what it was like to be mortal. By losing that very important part of themselves, they lost what amounted to their identities, and had to have been close to losing their own will to live that they never thought they could have. Could you really blame them for falling into despair?
  • Mew's pregnancy and miscarriage, and the incident that followed.
  • Amber's backstory even if you knew about it.
    • In the same chapter, Mew returning home to her body at the risk of losing her memory of Amber.
  • Mewtwo pleading to God as he tries to revive Mew after she drowned.
  • The reason Darkrai and Cresselia separated. Darkrai never forgave himself for the death of their son from a freak accident, and he had hidden himself for years in his sorrow until Cresselia tracked him down. She forgave him, but suggested to go back to being friends if it would help in the healing process. And yet Darkrai remained in love with her, and it's implied to not be as one-sided as he thought.
