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Tear Jerker / End Roll

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • The backstory of Russell.
    • His father as an alcoholic while his mother only cares about sexual enjoyment. He never experienced any true love in his family, thus jealous of the love experienced by Gardenia, Cody and Dogma and having antisocial disorder which probably made him kill others without feeling guilt.
    • Even when his pet rabbit died in a car accident, he couldn't feel any sadness but only anger towards the bystanders.
      ...But no one tried to do anything about the corpse. They just look at it like something dirty, spoke in a whisper, and passed on by. That was when I learned that "pity" was nothing but lip service.
    • When Russell finally believed that adults can be nice after meeting Yumi in real life, only to have his father murder her, so Russell kills his father and mother in anger.
  • Before the fight with the final boss, Russell sees a particular vision; His mother, watching over his infant self in a cradle. Who is then murdered by The Indecent One. The person that his mother was literally killed any chance he had of having a family, and this can be taken as him coming to finally accept that anything nice she did before was only skin-deep.
  • The Memory Girl, encountered at the end of the optional Deepsea Hotel dungeon, who represents the few good memories that Russell has of his backstory. She is clearly upset at becoming yet another enemy that Russell must fight, and it's clear that Russell reciprocates; beating her increases your guilt by 10 instead of the usual 5, and Russell starts the fight with the Unsure ailment.
  • Before the first True End, Russell has to confess to one of the people he had killed about the truth. No one wanted to kill him like he did to them, even when they had remembered everything.
    • Special mention goes to Cody, Dogma and Yumi. Cody and Dogma don't want to forgive him but don't want him to die either, while Yumi assures Russell that he's not a bad person.
    Cody: As much as I hate you, I can't...I can't just leave you in this fire!!
    Dogma: You will likely never be forgiven. You can only atone in one way...You will suffer our same pain...N-no! I can't do it...Russell, stand up! Hurry and escape this place...!
    Yumi: Ya don't look like yer old man at all. You're a better man, hundred percent.
    • Everybody also reassures Russell that the time that he was with them is fun.
    • Russell's final words may be the most painful part of this. It's already painful, but then it dissolves into Russell pitifully repeating 'I'm sorry' over and over again.
  • The Book Graveyard. 'Talking' with the books has them mourn or plead Russell to not throw them away, and even the ones that help Russell by giving him advice have an air of sadness to them. The special shop in the dungeon sells the Guilt items, the description for them merely being "I'm sorry" repeated over and over again.
  • The True End 2 variation with Tabasa. He asks Russell to help find Gardenia's hair ornament; the exact same thing they did on the first day. It really sells the idea that Russell threw everything about this journey away just to stay in the Happy Dream for a little longer before it inevitably ends.
