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Tear Jerker / Divided Rainbow

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  • Lero's return to Rainbow Dash's cottage in Chapter 8, and his failed attempt to bring her back to her senses by showing the pegasus her old possessions.

  • Lero, right after, spelling out all that the Swap has taken from Rainbow Dash, while in drunken misery.
    The human grabbed Beer #11, and twisted off the twist-off, then held it up, staring at the pony though the brown glass. “I’ve SEEN things today, buddy. I’ve watched two little fillies treat their older sisters... their own FLESH AND BLOOD, like distant neighbors!” He finally finished contemplating the beer, and downed the bottle like a pro. Mmm... you could always count on Foamy Lager to deliver the good stuff. “The mare I loved... we were together for years and she dumped me! DUMPED ME! But that’s not even the worst bit. Dash had plans. Big plans. She was gonna be a Wonderbolt! And she threw it all away, all her lifelong hopes and dreams, threw ME away, to shut herself up in a cottage at the edge of town with animals!”

  • The message Lero leaves on his father's answering machine.
    "Dad?” said Lero. “Dad, this is Lero. Your son, Lero, i-it’s been years since I’ve seen you, any of you. Or at least it’s been years for me, I-I don’t know, maybe it works like Narnia — y’know, with the witch and the lion? — and here, it’s not even been an hour since I disappeared from home. I was kidnapped, Dad. Twice. The first time, I was taken to a faraway place by evil people. I got away, but... The second time, it was someone else, and was kidnapped right back here. You and Mom aren't gonna believe this, but I fell in love! I met this girl... I meant several girls, in fact! We were so right for each other, Dad, we were talking seriously about marriage! Then everything just... I'm probably not making much sense, I've been through so many terrible things, and I’m so drunk right now. I’m at this motel, the Criddos Motel. I don’t where that is, what state I’m even in... but I’m going to try coming back to you, if this is real. Jesus... you must think I died. Are the cops still looking for me? Or have they stopped, or... I’m sorry, Dad. I swear, I would've called to you if I could... I wanted to call you and Mom so bad... and you don’t know how it feels just to hear your voice on an answering machine! God, there’s so much to talk about, you’d think it was all an acid dream or something... but I’m going to try to come home. Call me! Please call me back, I just got my old phone, you should have the number and... I love you, Dad. Mom too, so much. Call me.”

  • As explored in Chapter 36, the Swap doesn't just fuck up the lives of those swapped. Honeydew and her ilk? Honeydew still had family, and one of them, Honeybee, knows that because of the event with the Sicklefins, she'll likely be known as nothing more than the sister of a psychopath.
    • To say nothing of her herdmates. Let me repeat that; Honeydew was Happily Married and now those ponies have to live with the fact that one of their herd members is a psychopath and probably being accused of Accomplice by Inaction.
