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Tear Jerker / Distorted Reality

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Spoilers Off applies to all Tear Jerker pages, so all spoilers are unmarked. You Have Been Warned!

  • Heck, Aang being more embittered than ever in canon due to losing the war.
  • Aang's dream sequences showing circumstances being worse than canon as well, namely Mai and Ty Lee presumably sacrificing their lives to save the Gaang from Azula.
  • Mixed with Heartwarming Moments, Toph's parents really do or rather, did care for their daughter. Before being killed by the Water Nation, they told her to go into her tunnels and not come out no matter what happened, giving up a chance at escaping themselves to ensure Toph would be safe.
  • In Chapter 37: Night of One Hundred Revelries, we first have a sweet moment of Aang dancing with Alt!Azula, which was turned sour when Azula found out the dance they had was a reminiscence of his and Katara, when Aang tries to explain, she replies with two truth bombs, one that the canon Azula "Spirit Voice" has been trying to corrupt her all this while! However, Alt!Azula managed to keep her at bay. How? Because of her love for Aang. And she knows that Aang still loves his Katara and will probably never fall in love with her. This confession renders Aang speechless and he and Azula didn't managed to talk it out soon enough as duty calls. What really tugs at the heartstrings is that Aang while still in love with Katara from his world, it has been hinted that he has started to develop feelings for Alt!Azula and she doesn't know that. Not only that, but if they do confess their love to each other in the future, they will have to accept the fact, that while Aang wants to go back home for Katara, he might want stay in the DS! world for Azula.
