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Tear Jerker / Diabolik

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • Elisabeth Gay's whole history. Here's a brief summary:
  • Gustavo Garian's backstory, early days and death. They also double as why Gustavo wanted to see Diabolik die:
    • The backstory: Gustavo's parents Stefano and Clelia went out of the country for their job, leaving him for years to be raised by his older cousin Eleonora de Semily. A few months before they were slated to return, Diabolik murdered his father and, as the Garian assets were in both of their names, drove his mother to madness: as he didn't want her to reveal the death of Stefano but killing Clelia would have got the assets frozen for months, he made sure she'd believe "The Murderer" killed Stefano and then magically became him (remember, at this time Diabolik's masks are still unknown, so not even Ginko would think about them), and had her committed. This was part of a failed attempt at stealing a precious knife collection from the Garians;
    • In the very first story, Diabolik murders Eleonora and makes sure Clelia Garian, who has recovered, cannot reveal his identity by driving her back into madness. Diabolik then steals the knives, nearly kills Gustavo after convincing him that he killed the aunt in a moment of folly, and steals most of the Garian assets.
      • Years later Gustavo is informed that the artistic box that was supposed to hold the knives collection has been found. Gustavo goes to the solicitor who's holding them for him, completes the paperwork... And then finds out that Diabolik has stolen it minutes before just to complete the collection.
    • Clelia Garian's death. Weeks after the events of the first story, Clelia has somewhat recovered, Gustavo visits her, tells her he'll bring her home... Then she hallucinates that Gustavo is "The Murderer" and has a fatal heart attack in terror. This happens in presence of Elisabeth Gay, who unwittingly foiled Clelia's attempt at exposing Diabolik.
    • Months later Gustavo did find a way to finally kill Diabolik and get closure. He had to sacrifice it to get Diabolik to save Ginko, who had been captured by a mob boss and was being tortured to death.
    • Years later Gustavo finds out he's terminally ill, so, with the help of a number of Diabolik's victims, he raises the money to hire the world's best assassins and set them on Diabolik before having them kill him. They succeed, but Ginko informs him they've been killed and were planning to kill him, so Gustavo tells him everything, gets Ginko to give him his gun to shoot himself in the head... Except Diabolik's still alive, and it was him in disguise, and not Ginko, to give him the gun. At least Diabolik let him die believing he had finally killed the man who ruined his life...
  • "Forever Together", set in the distant future and fictional in-universe, has an elderly Ginko finally track down Diabolik and Eva, who had disappeared for years with no apparent explanation. Many had speculated they had been captured and tortured by the intelligence to steal the secret of Diabolik's masks, others that they had retired to some place where they aren't known and had been raising a child the whole time... But the truth, as the two criminals explain Ginko, is that Eva had caught an autoimmune disease and they had spent the whole time trying to get her cured... And they've just given up, so they let Ginko find them to tell him everything and give him their last hideout with their most important loot while they embark on a submarine, bring it to the bottom of the ocean, and kill themselves.
