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Tear Jerker / Designation Miracle

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Tear Jerker moments in the Designation Miracle series.

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  • The first glimpse we see of how much the Miracles were effected by Teiko was during Kuroko and Kise's private conversation with each other. Even people he lived with- he suspected the worst from them.
    Kise: Let me tell you something, Kurokocchi, if you admire Kagami because of his honesty, you’re going to part ways eventually. Once he finds out about you, about us, can you honestly say he’ll think the same way about you? Humans will never see us as anything but monsters.
    Kuroko: I do not believe Kise-kun actually believes this. I heard you were living with Kasamatsu-san.
  • Youji usually puts a strong face for the Miracles but as we learn from Kasamatsu early on how affected he really was from discovering the how terribly the Miracles were treated and how easily it could have been his own children. He cried which is something he's never done in front of his kids before.
