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Tear Jerker / Death Grips

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  • "Artificial Death in the West" is a slow, spacey, depressing song ruminating about the hopeless future of humanity. Ride sounds more despairing here than on just about any other song in the band's discography, even sounding close to tears when he sings "No matter where I turn, everyone's a runaway."
  • "Come Up and Get Me": While also Nightmare Fuel, the song is bleak enough to be this. The entire song is about MC Ride being stuck in an 8-story abandoned building surrounded by people who want to kill him. He is also suffering from hallucinations and delusions so bad that by the end it becomes clear that though he won't commit suicide (by jumping off said building) the suffering in his existence is great enough that he'll call the people hired to kill him up to get him.
  • "Birds", especially since it's one of the quietest songs in their discography.
  • "On GP," the second to last song on Jenny Death, which is based on Ride's struggles with suicidal thoughts.
  • "Centuries of Damn," a song about a self-harming drug addict reluctantly continuing to live despite finding his days excruciatingly long and unfulfilling.
  • One Redditor uploaded a picture from one of the handful of shows that the band reportedly didn't show up to. It's a screencap of an email of a fan telling the band that they had chosen to commit suicide but thanking them for making their life a little better through their music. While rumor has it that the message was fabricated by the band as part of the "performance", it's still a sobering image.
  • MC Ride’s progression from a foul-mouthed and violent individual to a completely unhinged and barely conscious lunatic is Nightmare Fuel, but it’s also profoundly depressing as it gradually becomes clear just how painful his existence really is, with him repeatedly describing his life as A Fate Worse Than Death.
