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Tear Jerker / Day of the Dead (1985)

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  • Bub's obvious grief over Logan's death.
  • With the military dead, his master murdered, and the other personnel fleeing for the copter, Bub is left on his own with nothing but zombies for company. A sad fate that leaves one wondering if he will gradually gain in intelligence while all those around him remain flesh-hungry and he himself gradually rots, or if he'll just degenerate into a mindless automaton.
  • The opening scene after the Jump Scare. The team searching for other survivors calling out in vain for them only to be met by nothing, but more Ghouls and the local wildlife. It's an extra sadness upon the realization that there may be no one left alive on earth anymore.
  • Miguel is a tearjerker personified. He is already a human wreck when the film begins, and its only downhill for him from there.
  • Dr. Logan telling Sarah and Dr. Fisher about his father and how he disapproved of Logan's choice of career, saying that he would "never become rich" that way. Logan then repeats the word "rich" and laughs half-sarcastically, half-sorrowfully, understanding that with the zombie apocalypse his choice of career was vindicated in the worst way possible.
  • He may be a megalomaniac and control freak, but Rhodes' response when he finds out that Logan had used his men as scientific experiments and positive reinforcements definitely counts as he confronts Sarah, practically trembling with fury and anguish. This leads to his Villainous Breakdown, sealing his fate.
  • Bub's backstory in the comic Day of the Dead: Desertion is made of this. Namely, he was a soldier who deserted his unit when society began to collapse in order to protect his wife Shelley and son Jamie. However, Shelley was unable to take the horror of living in a world overrun by the living dead, so she committed suicide. This spurred him into deciding to bring Jamie to the relative safety of the Seminole Storage Facility, located fifty miles north of where they lived, despite the risk of being shot as a deserter. However, before they could reach it, they were ambushed by two starving women who knocked him out, killed his son and ate his corpse. They then forced him at gunpoint to drive them to the Seminole Storage Facility. When they reached the facility, a vengeful Bub managed to get the drop on them, resulting in one of them getting devoured alive by the zombie horde outside the fence. With her partner fleeing, Bub had the opportunity to climb over the fence and make it to safety. Instead, he ran her down, bit her throat off and tossed her to the zombies to be eaten. Just as he was climbing up a tree to safety, a zombie bit him in the right foot, causing him to die from the infection and be reanimated as a zombie. Some time afterwards, Bub is shown being brought to Dr. Logan's lab by Steel and Rickles, with the latter stealing his wedding ring, the last reminder of his old life.
