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Tear Jerker / DOTA: Dragon's Blood

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  • Fymryn's pod getting slaughtered by Luna when she comes in search of the lotuses Fymryn stole. Up to that point it's clear that the four of them love and care for each other deeply, which makes it all the more heart-wrenching when Luna callously murders them all. Freya Tingley's heartbroken screams of horror just make it worse.
  • Invoker's backstory. After fathering a daughter, Filomena, with Selemene, he took her and left the goddess, unable to condone her ways. However, immediately after Filomena fell incurably ill, and no matter how hard he tried he couldn't cure her. He ultimately returned to Selemene and begged her to cure their child, devoting himself to worship her despite being loathe to do so... but Filomena refused to worship her herself, causing Selemene to leave her to die. No wonder why he's so cold to everyone... or why he struck a bargain with Terrorblade, sacrificing all but one of the Eldwyrms' souls for the demon's plot in exchange for taking Selemene down.
  • The finale of Book Two might as well be considered as a chain of such. Kashurra attacks Lina for attempting to kill Mirana, and while Lina puts up a good fight, she is no match for his power and dies. Then Kashurra reveals that he's the one who orchestrated the deaths of Mirana's parents in an attempt to protect a part of his 'hoard.' Auroth dies as she buys time for Mirana and Marci to escape to claim the Eye, devastating Bram and convincing him to bring Kaden to fight Kashurra, now in his dragon form. Mirana and Marci reach the Eye in time, Mirana then claims her birthright, and they prepare to ambush Kashurra. Unfortunately, the attempt fails, resulting in Marci's death. The grief stemming from her death awakens Mirana's powers as the Worldwyrm and disintegrates Kashurra. Sadly, it does not bring her best friend back alive.
