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Tear Jerker / Con Air

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  • The way Poe got completely boned by the judge (just for being a vet) thanks to his own lawyer's bad advice.
  • "If this thing goes bad, Larkin, I don't think my daughter will... understand. If you speak to my wife again, you tell her that I love her. She's my hummin'bird. But, I couldn't leave a fallen man behind. You'll do that for me, won't you, Larkin?"
  • Poe's reaction after seeing his only friend from prison cover for him and get shot.
  • Malloy's reaction to the kidnapping. He goes very quiet and contemplative and is clearly shattered. Then he flies into a rage.
  • The ending scene. Poe reunites with his family and finally gets to meet his little daughter. As Poe embraces his family, the Trisha Yearwood cover of LeAnn Rimes's "How Do I Live" starts playing over this emotional reunion as Larkin watches on, which is sure enough able to make even the manliest of men start crying.
