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Tear Jerker / Coady And The Creepies

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  • The story begins on a somber note, as the Creepies have just gotten into a horrible van accident that seriously injured Criss and Corey to the point that they're in critical condition and had to be airlifted to the nearest hospital. Even worse, their tour manager Marnie and, unbeknownst to everyone else, Coady as well was killed.
    • Coady's face as she sits in the back of the ambulance, wrapped in the blanket, is utterly heartbreaking.
  • A year after the accident, the band is back on the road, but they're under increased scrutiny as the "Band Who Lived." Coady is receiving by far the most attention, since she was mysteriously unharmed, and she clearly hates every second of it. She spends most of her time curled up in her bunk with her headphones on, shutting out the rest of the world.
  • The story of La Llorona. Her husband left her for another woman, so she drowned her children out of spite. She immediately regretted what she had done and wandered the banks of the river in search of her children until she died as well. To this day, she continues to search the river for her children.
  • It's a small moment, but Criss and Corey's panic when they think they left Coady back in Santa Fe is enough to tug at the heartstrings.
    • That scene also reveals that Coady hasn't felt happy since the van accident.
  • The band's second van crash. Criss's reaction makes it even worse — while none of them are over the first accident, Criss is still clearly the most traumatized, which makes sense given that she was the most seriously injured. Even after the Creepies have all gotten out of the van to inspect the damage, she's still crying.
    Corey: Aw, Criss, it's OK. We're OK.
    Criss: *sniffles* I know, but sometimes it's hard to even make myself get in the van after what happened, and now we almost got into another accident...
  • Criss thinks that the second accident is somehow her fault, since she had said earlier that she was sad about Pinmageddon coming to an end and now the Creepies might not even make it to the last show. Coady says that she knows how Criss feels, and then we're treated to a flashback of a night shortly before the Creepies' first accident a year ago. Criss and Corey are asleep in the backseat and Coady and Marnie, the band's late friend and tour manager are in the front. Coady is crying because she doesn't want the tour to be over, because the only time she feels like she belongs is when she's on tour with her band and back home she doesn't have any friends besides her sisters, who have their own friends. Then she says that sometimes she thinks it would be better if she just died.
  • As Corey and Jose are walking through the desert, Corey starts talking about how Coady has changed so much since the accident and how they used to have a really close connection. She seems worried that they're not as close anymore and that the accident permanently damaged their relationship.
  • Criss's explanation for why she's so interested in ghosts.
    Criss: I guess that it's comforting to think that there's something else...dying isn't the end. That maybe Marnie is still out there.
    Coady: But what if only certain people get to be ghosts? Like, not everyone who dies gets that second chance...?
    Criss: That doesn't seem like it'd be very fair.
    Coady: For the ghost, or the person who died?
  • In one of the most heartwrenching scenes of the entire series, Corey becomes so dehydrated out in the desert that she hallucinates the scene of the band's first accident. Even worse, she sees Coady's dead body in the front seat of the van.
    • When Coady, Criss, and Shil show up to pick up Corey and Jose in Shil's car, Corey's immediately response is to throw herself at Coady and hug her, sobbing and saying, "You're not dead!"
    • And what makes this scene even worse is that we already know that Coady really did die in that first van crash.
  • While Criss's epic takedown of the Boneheads' elitism is awesome, it's implied that all of the Creepies, and especially Criss, have to deal with that kind of attitude on a regular basis.
  • Coady's increasing panic that her cover is going to be blown in the catacomb.
  • Jose sees Marnie's ghost in the underground venue and rushes over to her in excitement...only for her to completely brush him off and show zero interest in him or the Creepies. Then he realizes that it's not really Marnie, it's just an empty husk.
  • After a year of hiding her secret, a year of anxiety and worry and panic and lies to the people she loves more than anything, Coady is finally exposed as a ghost. Her expression of defeat and Corey's silent tears as she realizes that it's true just make it worse.
  • When the Creepies don't bend to his whims, Declan Decay tries to turn Criss against her sisters by playing on her feelings of isolation.
    Declan Decay: And doesn't it make you feel left out? You've always been the odd duck; they're the pair and you're the spare.
    Criss: *starts to cry*
    • Fridge Tearjerker: In the photo shown on the news right after the accident, Criss is a little taller than her sisters, so she was already noticeably different, but not by much. Now that she uses a wheelchair, though, the physical differences are a lot more obvious, which probably contributes to her feelings of being on the outside of Coady and Corey's bond.
  • Why were so many ghosts missing? Declan Decay had been keeping them trapped in his lair so that they were unable to move on. Fortunately, Coady and Shil set them all free.
  • Criss, Corey, and Jose's reactions when they think Coady didn't make it out of the catacomb in time.
  • Coady's sisters ask if it's true that she's been a ghost all along. Coady admits that it is true and that she didn't tell them because she thought they wouldn't like her anymore.
  • The Creepies' final goodbye to Marnie.
    Coady: Goodbye, Marnie. We miss you all the dang time.
