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Tear Jerker / Cinema Therapy

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It's okay to cry, Alan. Odds are, all of us are too.

Like any therapy session, tears are sure to follow, especially when it comes to something very emotionally-resonating with certain people. Have your box of tissues at the ready.

  • Their whole analysis of A Silent Voice is rife with this due to how much of an emotional roller-coaster it is and how heavy the content is as well, with the movie itself containing elements of suicide, bullying, depression, and ultimately, rebuilding connections. To drive the point home, Alan and Jonathan don't even sign off in their usual fashion because of how heavy the subject matter was.
  • Anytime Jonathan cries counts for this, but especially in their analysis of WandaVision as he opens up about people seeing his mother in the good he does. It's rare to see Jonathan cry and the subject is so emotional for him that he's sobbing harder than we've ever seen him.
  • In their Terminator 2: Judgment Day video, Alan talks about the relationship with his mother and how her parenting style made him feel. The topic causes him to break down as he's speaking until he can't go on. In this case, Jonathan decides to do "what everyone wants to do" and just gives Alan a long loving hug.
  • During the Inside Out video when Joy gives the previously happy core memories to Sadness, Jonathan reflects on how grief affected his warm memories of his deceased mom. "Every happy memory I have of her is colored in blue."
