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Tear Jerker / Chicago

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  • Amos's reaction when he realizes that Roxie lied to him about murdering a burglar, that said "burglar" was a man they both knew well, and the only explanation is that his wife was cheating on him. He starts angrily ranting about how much of a "sap" he was.
    • Later when Roxie is acquitted, he was willing to forgive her and ready to start over as a family - only for her to bluntly tell him that there is no baby, leaving as Amos looks on with an utterly crushed expression.
  • Kitty in the film is still a murderess, but you can tell she was really hurt by her husband cheating on her and wants no part in the media circus that follows. Her response to a journalist asking if she knew the women she killed is a Death Glare and Groin Attack. It's more than likely that, unlike Roxie and Velma, she truly had a psychotic break and would rather go to jail than have Billy representing her.
  • Hunyak's execution. She's the only innocent woman of "The Six Merry Murderesses of the Cook County Jail" and the only one to be found guilty and executed.
