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Tear Jerker / Captainsauce

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For the most part, Captainsauce keeps his stuff lighthearted, so this almost never comes up. Almost.

  • The "Can Your Pet" episode is this given the point of the game. Captainsauce's horrified reaction at what's happened is quite distressing.
  • You wouldn't expect an episode of The Life of Kevin about a time traveling toilet to be sad, would you? You would be very wrong.
    • To elaborate: Kevin while de-aged uses a time machine shaped like a toilet to go back in time to when his parents were still alive. He attempts to save his dad from dying on the job and manages to succeed...only to discover that this causes a future in which he grows up to be a greedy, unhappy individual married not to Emma, but to a woman who hates children (and thus he has none), while his mother has died anyway and he rarely visits his father. He then has to change the past to reset everything...and the episode ends with him, back to his normal age and time restored, visiting his parents' graves. It's considered one of the best episodes in the series for a very good reason.
  • Generally, Barbie's life has shades of this. She's a relative outsider given she isn't technically human, was born under what Captainsauce figures are not the pleasantest circumstances, has a hard time making friends or finding love, every guy she's been with is unfaithful or murderous...
