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Tear Jerker / Bulletstorm

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  • Although it's normally buried under jokes, there are a few times when it becomes clear that Gray is well aware that there was no need to get his entire crew killed, and that it's all his fault.
    Trishka: [discussing Ishi] What happened to him, anyway?
    Gray: ...he trusted the wrong person.
  • When you make it to the dock, you get to see for yourself the results of the evacuation effort. The place, which is very large, is practically filled with suitcases, the implications of which is enough to give Grayson pause.
    Gray: That's a lot of bags.
    • What people may not have noticed about the scene is that unlike the rest of the game, there is no music playing or enemies attacking you. The scene is solemn and may have also been inspired by the piles of shoes from Nazi concentration camps.
