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Tear Jerker / Beyond the Black Rainbow

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  • Elena's existence at the Arboria Institute is bleak. She's a teenage girl being kept captive in an empty cell, her mind suppressed by a strange pyramid device. The only human interaction she receives is from her disturbed and predatory captor and a callous nurse. All she wants is to see her father, who is too debilitated by his drug addiction to help her.
  • Margo makes Elena relinquish the photo of her mother, which she cherished. Margo crumples the photo in front of Elena and remarks that it's "good" that her mother is dead.
  • Barry's final conversation with his friend and colleague Dr. Arboria. He shows affection and deference to him, but also sadness at what he realizes is his end.
  • Dr. Arboria's overdose scene is melancholy. He slowly and quietly slips away, and it's implied that Elena can sense that he's dying.
  • One way to interpret the Sentionaut showing mercy to Elena is that the Sentionaut is a former human and recognizes that Elena has a chance for escape that s/he never did.
