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Tear Jerker / Back to the Outback

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  • Maddie is so confused, betrayed and heartbroken after her first appearance in Chaz’s show, after seeing how scared people were of her, and realizing that the person who cared for and raised her, and always told her she was beautiful, only thought of her as another monster to parade around in his show.
    • After the show, for the rest of the film, when Maddie feels self conscious about/ashamed of her fangs, she covers her mouth with her tail to hide them.
    • Later on when talking to Pretty Boy, she laments up that Chaz was the first person she saw when she hatched, and thought that it meant something.
  • Jackie being sent away after the incident with Chazzie in the crocodile pool. She just wanted to help, but was mistaken as attacking and trying to eat him. When she’s in the cage about to be loaded into a truck, she looks like she’s about to cry.
    • We don’t see Jackie until the end of the movie, so it is easy to assume until that point that she was put down after she was wrongfully assumed to be attacking Chazzie when she was really trying to help him.
  • When Chazzie wakes up the animals for the show, he angrily beats the glass cages with a stick and yells at them, with Maddie not noticing him walk over and being clearly shocked and frightened when he gets to hers.
    • Later when she accidentally falls on him, both of them back up against some rocks away from each other and huddle while trembling in fear, both covering their faces expecting the other to attack them.
  • A minor one when Jacinta tells the group that Duncan the dung beetle got eaten by a seagull shortly after being released back into the wild; Frank can be seen crossing his chest and sadly holding a moment of silence for him.
