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Tear Jerker / Azur Lane

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Video Game
A memory of a simpler and happier time.

  • What's gut-wrenching about the series is that once you bond with these girls, these sentient and innocent ship girls, and realize that most of them will not survive their predestined fates. Made even worse, many of the shipgirls' personalities and designs are inspired based on their Real Life designs and their eventual fates, which makes some of their dialogues are saddening in hindsight especially those that perished in battles.
  • At the end of each of the first three chapters, we get to see Arizona, Lexington, and Yorktown (in that order) get sunk, and their images are not pretty to watch, especially if you're a fan of them.
  • Some of the loading screens can be rather heartbreaking to watch.
    • This loading screen featuring Enterprise with Yorktown and Hornet, especially considering what happens to both of them. It's a saddening thought as well that only Enterprise who gets to survive the entire war in Real Life as well...
    • Poor Hood drowning. It's already bad enough she got sunk by the Bismarck. Worse yet, her dying thoughts were that she somehow felt relieved from her burden as the Pride of the Royal Navy which takes a great toll on herself.
    • This Yorktown looks as if she's almost dead.
  • The disappointed lines for many of the ship girls range from bitter to outright angry; Yorktown's is simply, "So you truly will leave me one day..."
  • In the "Rondo at Rainbow's End" event, as the combined fleet confronts the Siren Compiler, she starts showing them "true" history. The girls from the High Seas Fleet see the day they scuttled themselves at Scapa Flow, Zuikaku sees herself, Chitose and Chiyoda one their final voyage as the Northern Force, the decoy meant to lure American fleets away from the Philippines, basically a suicide mission. The Eagle Union girls see several of their number seemingly waiting for something to begin. It's never said, but it becomes clear they're at Bikini Atoll, waiting for the nuclear tests of Operation Crossroads to begin.


  • Akashi. Imagine what she went through. She learned that her nation's greatest heroes are working for the enemy, then said heroes were willing to have her be sacrificed to keep their secrets safe if it weren't for two Royal Navy spies saving her. It's little wonder why she's a complete wreck.
  • Episode 11. One can't help but feel sorry for Kaga when she undergoes a psychotic break from the verbal beat down she endured by Orochi, who is basically wearing the skin of Amagi.
  • Hornet cries out when she thinks Enterprise is dead. Despite how cheerful and spunky she puts in front of others, she had already lost one sister, albeit injured, and she didn't want to lose another.
