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Tear Jerker / Annie (2014)

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  • Several moments in the movie are designed to be this for the audience. "Maybe", wherein the foster girls sing of what they dream their real families are like. And several of Stacks's scenes as he begins to develop his bond with Annie. Then of course there are the moments when Annie is actually crying on screen.
    • Pepper noting that she's almost thirteen and no one wants teenagers, particularly as it's Truth in Television. She also claims that no one's parents are coming for them. And then, towards the end of the song, she joins in, wishing for a set of the great parents they're imagining.
  • When the fake parents explain to Annie that they were hired by Stacks (actually Guy working alone), Annie just breaks.
  • During "Tomorrow", Annie has several Imagine Spots where people on the street shown in window reflections and glimpsed out of the corner of Annie's eye all start to look like happy parents playing with their children. It's seriously sad, and when the mundane reality of what she's actually seeing is shown, it's even sadder.
