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Tear Jerker / All the Bright Places

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  • Finch begging Kate to remember something good about their father. He's so afraid that he's just like him, and he wants to know what made him that way so he can get confirmation he's better.
  • Amanda's blunt confession at the support group - she's bulimic, attempted suicide twice and thinks about it every day. She says it matter-of-factly, and that makes it even harder to hear.
  • Finch's monologue about how bad his mental health problems are. It's very sobering to see such a happy go lucky character be so dark and cynical, and it ends with him ordering Violet out of his room. This is the final time we see him in the film.
  • Violet discovering Finch's things by the lake, knowing it means he's jumped in and possibly killed himself. Her screams of anguish as she begs him to come up are heart breaking.
  • The above is followed by a quick sequence of all the places they went to. It shows how a Cerebus Call-Back can be gut wrenching.
  • Jennifer Niven has posted repeatedly about how the story was based on her own experiences, and Finch off a teenage boyfriend of hers. Including his tragic suicide.
    "It was the ending I lived with the real Finch."
