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Summary / Comic Books

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The following shows, movies, and other media, are currently redlinks. They are worthy of an article here in at least one troper's opinion; but that troper may not be familiar enough with the show in question, or may not be a good writer, or, in some cases, knows the show is notable, hates it, but doesn't want to engage in Complaining About Shows You Don't Watch or Complaining About Shows You Don't Like.

For the moment, we'll sign our items on this list, and add our names onto shows to which we feel need to have an article here; please see the discussion page.

If you create a page for one of these, or it turns into a bluelink after another troper creates it, please remove it from this list, unless it's a disambiguation (which will show with a green link) or a redirect. If it is a redirect or disambiguation, point that out.

For unreleased works, there's a separate list maintained at Unreleased Works. Anything unreleased that's not already on that list should be added there first. That doesn't mean it can't be listed here as well - but if tropers are tracking it via the Future Works page and it's still a Red Link, we might not have enough tropable information to create a page yet. See Creating A Work Page For An Unreleased Work for more guidance on that topic.

Also take note, try to include a work in its media of initial incarnation. For example, instead of placing The Film of the Book in the movie category place the work under the Literature section. Another example being Anime, if it was a Manga first place it under Manga. The notable exception to this rule is either when a work's derivative incarnation is more widely known than the original (in which case please leave a note mentioning such), or when a page exists for the original version but not the adaptation (in which case a note should also be made so that the creator can either add a section to the pre-existing page or decide to create a new one).

Note: This page also includes Manhwa and Manhua

    open/close all folders 

    Comic Books 


Angels and Demons

Arthurian Legend

Astral Projection/Mental Projection

Autobiographical Comics

Caveman Media

Classical Mythology

Children's Comics


Demon Works

Deity Fiction

Diesel Punk

Dinosaur Media

Dragon Works

Dream Walker


    Anthology Comic 

Anthology Comic


Comical Comics


These works are Crossovers between two or more franchises so rather then awkwardly splitting the entries between they could use a page.


    Expanded Universe 

    Fair Folk 





Horror Comic Books

    High School Alternate Unverse 


Kaiju Works

    Magic School 



    Martial Arts 


    Norse Mythology and Vikings 

Norse Mythology and Vikings

    Paranormal Investigation 

    Post Apocalyptic 




Reimaginings, What Ifs, Elseworlds, and other alternate versions of works

    Samurai & Ninja 

Samurai & Ninja

    Science Fiction 

    Spinoff Babies 


Spy Fiction


    Superhero Prequel 

Superhero Prequel

    Superhero Shared Universe 



    Time Travel 

    Urban Fantasy 



Werewolf Works




Alternative Title(s): Comics
