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Shout Out / The Owl House

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Season 1

    Episode 1 - A Lying Witch and a Warden 
  • The title is a nod to The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
  • One of the notices on the bulletin board in the principal's office is a picture of an icosahedron note  above two large capital Ds separated by a block of illegible text.
  • The abandoned house Luz goes into to accidentally get to the Boiling Isle is strikingly reminiscent of the iconic shack from the Evil Dead (and just as creepy).
  • When Luz gets her first glance of the Boiling Isles, she asks herself "Where am I? Did I die? Am I in the Bad Place?"
  • When Luz tries to figure out if the flying staff needs a spell, she starts saying "Expecto" which is obviously a reference to the spell "Expecto Patronum".
  • At the end of the episode, Luz texts her mother "I think I'm gonna like it here."

    Episode 2 - Witches Before Wizards 

    Episode 3 - I Was A Teenage Abomination 

    Episode 4 - The Intruder 

    Episode 5 - Covention 
  • When a power glyph is placed on Tiny Nose, she becomes wreathed in a yellow Battle Aura while striking a Dragon Ball-style powering-up pose.
  • One of the covens is called the Cantrip Coven.

    Episode 6 - Hooty's Moving Hassle 
  • The episode's title is a reference to Howl's Moving Castle.
  • When animated by the conjuring spell, the Owl House grows a pair of bird's legs not unlike the hut of Baba Yaga.
  • When Eda finds herself tied up on the floor by Grimhammer, she yells that that won't stop her and she can still "bite his ankles."
  • When Eda and King go to the Night Market, you can see Gut's Dragon Slayer in one of the market stalls.

    Episode 7 - Lost in Language 
  • One of the library patrons is watching Keyboard Cat.
  • A large banner next to the spot where Amity was reading to the children advertises copies of the Necronomicon.
  • One of the recurring background books shows an image of a green character resembling Shrek, albeit a thinner version of him.
  • Luz picks up what seems to be a copy of the Revolutionary Girl Utena manga from the magazine shelf. It's even read right-to-left.
  • The title and cover of Pride and Pythius are a spoof on Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice.
  • The title and cover of Nightlight are a parody of that of Twilight, with a pair of hands holding an apple — albeit a purple one with an eye in it.
  • The large sword Luz conjures up looks exactly like Cloud Strife's Buster Sword.
  • While having difficulty with the Bat Queen's kids, King suggests they "invent a TV network for ages six to eleven..." Eda then dismisses the idea, calling it "insane." This is a snarky reference to the Disney Channel which originally aired The Owl House.

    Episode 8 - Once Upon A Swap 
  • The premise of the episode and the in-universe movie "Freaky Fraturday" are both nods to the entire Freaky Friday franchise including Disney's movie adaptation in the 1976 original and the 2003 remake.
  • Among the human collectibles at Eda's booth in the beginning of the episode are a Snorlax plushie, and Dipper's hat.

    Episode 9 - Something Ventured Someone Framed 
  • Eda spots two students practicing magic. After they successfully make their spells, they hug and say “Friendship is the real magic!”
  • Luz introduces herself to the Human Appreciation Society with a moonwalk.
  • According to her permanent record, after Eda unleashed a horde of feral ghosts in Hexside's girl's locker room, Bump hired a rag-tag team of "ghost blasters" to get rid of them. It didn't work.
  • According to her permanent record, Eda has a history with music-related mischief. She blasted a well known pop song SINCE U BEEN CONNED from the speakers at Hexside and started a fan war between the boy bands Babies to Boys and Two Seconds to New York.

    Episode 11 - Sense and Insensitivity 

    Episode 12 - Adventures in the Elements 
  • One of the human treasures Owlbert drags back to the house is a Solid Snake dakimakura.

    Episode 13 - The First Day 

    Episode 14 - Really Small Problems 

    Episode 15 - Understanding Willow 
  • Young witches are called "witchlings", a term used in the anime Magical DoReMi.

    Episode 16 - Enchanting Grom Fright 
  • Cloud's Buster Sword makes another appearance, this time on the wall of weapons to battle Grom with.
  • In addition to the Buster Sword, The Alastor Sword from Devil May Cry also makes an appearance on the wall of weapons.
  • Valorheart appears on the Grom wall of weapons.

    Episode 17 - Wing It Like Witches 
  • In the first scene of the episode, when Boscha is giving herself a pep talk in the mirror, she puts up her hair in a style very similar to Azula's while saying, "You may be hated, as long as you are feared."
  • While Boscha walks through the town, she passes by a wanted poster for a beast resembling a Demon Vanguard.
  • When asked in Hexside's history class what funded the "council headquarters," Willow correctly answers "the pixie dust taxes."
  • At the end of the grudgby match, Boscha captures the "Rusty Smidge", a small golden object which makes Boscha's team win automatically despite Luz's team scoring more points than them. A very blatant nod to the Golden Snitch from Quidditch in Harry Potter. Luz then has a Take That! tirade that echoes the frustration Harry Potter critics have had for years.
    Luz: That just invalidates all our efforts! If catching that thing is so important, why do anything else? There's no reason to watch any of the other players! That's such a stupid rule!
  • The title is a nod to Bend It Like Beckham.
  • "Lilith, Edalyn, Hooty"? A joke taken from "Krabs, Plankton, SpongeBob"!

     Episode 18 - Agony of a Witch 

Season 2

    Episode 1 - Separate Tides 
  • The bounty poster for the Selkiedomus is drawn in a way very reminiscent of a Monster Hunter poster.
  • When Luz vents her feelings of guilt and insecurity regarding Eda's dire situation, the baby-like demon Eda had tasked her with capturing commiserates with her by saying "That's rough, buddy."
  • Luz's sailor outfit looks a lot like the standard uniform of a Team Aqua grunt from Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire.
  • Lilith calls Hooty "Hootcifer."
  • One of the pseudo-parrots on the ship bears a startling resemblance to an MPEva.
  • The flesh-eating plant that Luz and Eda stand on resembles the carnivorous floating island from Life of Pi.

    Episode 2 - Escaping Expulsion 

    Episode 3 - Echoes of the Past 
  • One of the plushies King throws at Lilith resembles Puu in his smaller form. Another one in the pile also resembles Zeruel. One of the plushies on the pile resembles a character from Hollow Knight.
  • A guardian robot still functional after years abandoned in a forsaken castle ? Sounds like another classic Ghibli movie.
  • Besides, Jean-Luc's organic design resembles something taken from Moebius'sci-fi comics.
  • King names his stuffed toy François and his (now inanimate) stone guardian Jean-Luc. This is likely a reference to the duo of French New Wave filmmakers and theorists François Truffaut and Jean-Luc Godard.

    Episode 4 - Keeping up A-fear-ances 

    Episode 5 - Through the Looking-Glass Ruins 
  • The name of the ruins is a reference to the story "Through the Looking Glass" by Lewis Carroll.
  • Among the items on Gus' shelves are a copy of Weekly World News and a Nintendo Entertainment System.
  • The film "Planet of Humans" references the Planet of the Apes franchise.
  • One of the Glandis students is named Angmar.
  • The flashback from Phillip Wittebane's diary is done in the shadow-puppet style of the works of Lotte Reiniger, such as The Adventures of Prince Achmed.

    Episode 6 - Hunting Palismen 

    Episode 7 - Eda's Requiem 

    Episode 8 - Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door 
  • The title of the episode itself is a reference to the song "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" by Bob Dylan.
  • The Calamity Box from Amphibia (or one that looks identical) can be seen in the Basement Shelf. Other items include a Spiritomb and what appears to be a mockingjay.
  • King's dance outfit is the same as Asuka's from the Neon Genesis Evangelion episode, "Both of You, Dance Like You Want to Win!"
  • Hooty's chart to figure out what type of demon King is, has both "Pocket Monster" and "Cthulhu" written on it. On that note, one example of a demon on Hooty's chart is a picture of a bundle of snakes hatching from an egg with green spots that looks exactly like the eggs found in the main series Pokémon games.
  • Tiny Nose is first seen playing a video game console which resembles a Nintendo Switch.
  • Hooty's Tunnel of Love ride ends with a pair of creepy animatronic animals — including a bird with a food-related bib.
  • The part of Eda's dream where everything turns black and white and the scroll she turns into is collected by a passer-by brings to mind similar scenes from Eraserhead.
  • Continuing the trend of Eda referencing Dragon Ball, the manner by which she achieves her harpy form feels like a reference to Goku going Super Saiyan 4; both have the focal character overcoming and making peace with a feral, destructive aspect of themselves to acquire a powerful new form that gives them traits of that feral side while retaining their humanoid form and intellect.

    Episode 9 - Eclipse Lake 
  • One of the soothing music CDs King finds is "Lo-Fi Beats to Study and Relax To", referencing the common lo-fi streams on youtube with similar names that have basically become a meme of their own.
  • Belos' notes about the construction of Grimwalkers resemble Mary Shaw's notes about the construction of ventriloquist puppets in the opening of Dead Silence. The sketch of the head has unmistakably the face of Hunter/Phillip's brother/companion.
  • Eda seems to have mistaken a VHS of Dragonclaw Z for a human work-out tape. She is shocked to find out that it is 30 years old, which is about how old it's reference is, which can be shocking for how popular it is in pop culture even now.
  • One of the plushies in Luz's room is Puu. Another resembles Sachiel.
  • The scene where Hunter digs his own grave on the Eclipse lake bed resemble some old Tom And Jerry shorts where Tom does the same to escape from Spike's wrath - specifically, "Hic-cup Pup" and "The Bodyguard". Except that Hunter is giggling with a nervous breakdown, so this moment is very disturbing.
  • Amity's abomination goo jar and how she uses it in her battle with Hunter is very reminiscent of a certain waterbender girl. Doubles as an Actor Allusion.
    • The scene where Amity is talking with Hunter is very reminiscent of the Katara and Zuko talking in the crystal caves. Mae Whitman, as the main character's love interest, has a heart to heart with the morally confused teenage antagonist in a green cave.

    Episode 10 - Yesterday's Lie 
  • There's a witches hat in Luz's room resembling those worn by the cast of Little Witch Academia.
  • Luz goes through an improvised door back to her world with a rope attached to her waist, which Eda and King must pull to bring her back. This is much like Diane entering the Other World in Poltergeist (1982) to save Carol Anne, as her husband Steven holds the rope.
  • Luz watches a show called Monster Slayer Academia.
  • Luz's doppelganger is named "Vee", after the Roman numeral V (5), her prisoner number, which is the origin of the titular character's name in V for Vendetta.
  • Jacob's description of demons being from mars may be based on the video game DOOM

    Episode 12 - Elsewhere and Elsewhen 
  • Lilith's old Emperor's Coven mentor, Flora D'esplora, looks a lot like Dora the Explorer as an adult. She even has a monkey whip palisman that resembles Boots and shares a voice actress with Dora's mother. This is lampshaded by Luz.
  • Eda's book about urban legends has an illustration of the "Lenderman".
  • Lilith has a notebook called "My Exciting First Exhibit", that resembles Ellie's adventure book .
  • When the rock kicked by Luz sinks in the sand and when she first puts her head through it, there's an unsetling chime that sounds a lot like Back to the Future 's Something's Changed Jingle.

    Episode 16 - Hollow Mind 
  • Link and Saria can be seen among the crowd in one of Belos' false memory paintings.
  • Hunter being the latest in a line of red-eyed clones of the Omnicidal Maniac main Villain’s deceased loved one is more than a little similar to Rei Ayanami’s backstory. His being a staff wielding foe of the protagonists as well also alludes to one Fate Testarossa.
  • Also, Hunter is a clone deadset on pleasing an abusive father figure, a manipulative, genocidal cult leader that doesn't care about him. That brings Hordak to mind.
  • The female protagonist enters a serial killer’s mind to learn his secrets and is ‘guided’ by his child self. And this “child” prevents her against his evil personality, just like in The Cell. Subverted, because, unlike Carl's, there’s no goodness or innocence on Belos’ mind. The child is a disguise of his true self, while the monster was trying to prevent Luz and Hunter against him. By other turn, Luz is saved by Hunter, like Novak rescues Deane from Carl’s evil in The Cell.
  • Belos’ plan to use the Draining Spell to exterminate all witches in the Boiling Isles is very similar to Father’s plan from Fullmetal Alchemist to commit a genocide (for the second time) by absorbing Amestrians’ souls to create a Philosopher’s Stone powerful enough to usurp God, and to become God himself.
    • Further, Belos's curse has some strong parallels with the manga. It's appearance as a greenish amalgamation of slaughtered innocents much resembles Envy's true form, and Belos referring to it as palismen "souls" brings to mind the series's take on the Philosopher's Stone.
  • This isn't the first time a human transported to another world finds out the ruler is another human visitor who arrived earlier and had been pulling a scam.

    Episode 17 - Edge of the World 

    Episode 18 - Labyrinth Runners 

     Episode 19 - O Titan, Where Art Thou 
  • The title references O Brother, Where Art Thou?.
  • The Collector's spherical prison in the In-Between Realm looks a lot like a Beast Ball from Pokémon.
  • Steve's bike looks like the Hell Cycle.
  • King and Steven's bike trip through the Isles as they cope with their existential issues is clearly a nod to Easy Rider.
     Episode 20 - Clouds on the Horizon 
  • Kiki is demoted to delivery service.
  • Luz climbs up to the second floor of the Blight mansion to rescue Amity (and the siblings) in the latter's room, supported by her friends, like Flynn Rider near the end of Tangled (without the stabbing, of couse). Even the brown pants and boots she's wearing, and her hair as well, are evocative of Flynn.
    • Also, the way Odalia belittles Amity and dismisses her arguments with a condescending smile brings Gothel to mind.
  • For a moment, Alador's abomination "arms" look like Lapis Lazuli's wings, before they turn into fists.
  • The members of the "Wild Witch Gang" shown being thrown into jail bear more than striking resemblances to famous Korean pop stars: Taemin from SHINee (blonde hair/teal robe), solo singer Jessi (black hair/pink robe), Jungkook from BTS (purple hair/purple robe), and G-Dragon from BIGBANG (black undercut hair/red robe). The storyboard director got permission from Dana Terrace herself to include these cameos as representation.

     Episode 21 - King's Tide 
  • The Collector, being a child with Blue-and-Orange Morality and a Reality Warper that was locked up for more than 1.000 years has a very similar story to Yuugi's from Tenchi in Tokyo. Even the circle of rocks spinning around his prison is evocative of Yuugi's circle of floating gems. Not to mention that Yuugi finds a Morality Pet in Sasami, while King decides to be that for the Collector.
  • The effects of the draining spell on people, especially the shining veins, are very similar to the princesses having their powers drained by Light Hope in She-Ra and the Princesses of Power.
  • Camila has an article about a girl lost in a frog world with a photo of Anne Boonchuy open on her ipad, both serving as The Cameo and a confirmation that the two shows have a Shared Universe. The ending of this episode also has a lot of narrative parallels with Amphibia's season 2 finale, with the main character and her Found Family ending up in the human realm with no way back after a climactic battle and the loss of a close friend (Marcy and King respectively).
    • The final scene is also nearly a shot-for-shot parallel to the Amphibia episode "The New Normal"; Oum Boonchuy and Camila Noceda are both making food with a somber expression when they hear someone knocking on the door. They open the door and stare in shock before starting to tear up at seeing their daughter returned home.
      Luz / Anne: Hey mom...

Season 3

     Episode 1 - Thanks to Them 
  • The episode continues Matt Braly and Dana's habit of exchanging references to each others' shows, so there are a lot to Amphibia:
    • Just before the kids run outside in the rainstorm, a snail can be seen on the pavement resembling Bessie Plantar.
    • Camila's veterinarian clinic has a poster with medical advice and Hop Pop wearing a nurse's outfit. Considering that "All-In" may have taken place two years prior to this show, it could very well be Hop Pop.
    • Luz has drawn a bunch of sketches of animals her palisman might be, based on which animals lay eggs. One of them is a pollywog with a little bow similar to Polly.
    • The Establishing Shot of the festival has a small but recognizeable Sasha Waybright standing by the stage.
    • At the Halloween festival, one of the kids is dressed as captain Grime. Another resembles Frobo.
  • The giraffe that opens its mouth to reveal its frightening alien self reminds Chewie, the Flarken cat.
  • At one point, all the witches are seen practicing spanish with a Duolingo-esque app (complete with an owl mascot). After Gus shows it off, the mascot reminds them to practice every day before her eyes darken and she says she'll haunt their dreams if they don't. This is referencing how Duolingo has gained a reputation for being overaggressive in reminding it's users to practice every day, emailing and texting them in the middle of the day if they haven't logged in every day, which led to memes about how it'll start going even further to threaten users who don't log in every day, potentially with their lives or their families' lives.
  • Camila is revealed to be a Closet Geek and a big fan of this world's equivalent to Star Trek, Cosmic Frontier. Gus finds one of her books and gives it to Hunter, who gets way into it. He later cosplays in an outfit from the book reminiscent of a starfleet uniform and wears a prop implant similar to Sam Rutherford. They also mention a Captain Avery.
  • One scene has Hunter wearing a familiar blue tee with purple triangles.
  • During the montage, Willow wears a shirt that looks like Mabel's shooting star sweater and Amity wears a hat that heavily resembles Vivian's.
  • At Camila's clinic, one of the animals on the "Shame" section of the fridge is a goose with a bell in its mouth.
  • In the magic shop the group visits, there's a Luna Nova uniform and Ness's outfit on the wall.
  • Luz makes a video journal and some icons on her laptop's desktop can be seen. These include Moonfarm Valley, Holler Knight, and Hades (the word Hades is not and cannot be copyrighted and can therefore be used as-is).
  • In Luz's old video diaries, she has a poster for Spirit Devourer and Domicile Sinister 4.
    • Also in Luz's video diaries, her outfit changes quickly changes from a bright rainbow-colored shirt during her first optimistic post, to a dark-colored shirt when she's depressed, much like Riley's outfit changes to match her mood in Inside Out. Said darker shirt also as an 8-bit Mario on it.
  • In the scrapbook, the Hexsquad are watching Hocus Pocus, and Willow and Amity are unimpressed.
  • One of the pins on Luz's hat is a purple eye on a lilac background, much like the logo of a certain podcast.
  • When Willow suggests that they take a “siesta” Gus chimes in with an enthusiastic “Si-ES-ta!” in the same cadence as the opening song from Garfield and Friends

     Episode 2 - For the Future 
  • One of Boscha's guards is clearly Anne Boonchuy, wearing a mask to not be too obvious but easily recognizeable by her distinctive hair, dark skin, and outfit, which has the red, green, and blue of the calamity gems.
  • Camilla mentions that she was stuck in a pyramid scheme selling energy drinks for three years. This is most likely a reference to a real life famous case of Vemma, a MLM for energy drinks that was shut down in 2015 after a court case found it to be, indeed, a pyramid scheme.
  • The Collector's bedroom is a big shoutout to The Little Prince, with his and King's beds being placed on a tiny asteroid, and a fox plushie visible under the Collector's bed.
  • At one point, Hunter utters the phrase "The magic of friendship?"
  • Among the graffiti is the phrase "Hide your kids".

     Episode 3 - Watching and Dreaming 
  • The hole growing in the chest of the Titan's spirit as Belos assimilates with his corpse in the Demon Realm, added to the skull face and the black eyes, brings to mind Hollowfication.
  • The Collector’s games for the main trio include Pac-Man and Jenga.
  • A Polly Plantar pin can be seen on Luz’s bulletin board.
