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Shout Out / The Dark Id

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It would be meaningless to list them all. From Chief Bitorez being a Packers fan (complete with the hat) and a Gigante quoting Mid-Boss to Serge making Caruso One Liners (complete with sunglasses and ZOAH providing the YEAAAAH!) to Caim referencing ThunderCats and people yelling BARF! as they die, to Fei using Buster Wolf, there are a lot.

The 3rd Birthday

  • In The 3rd Birthday, there's a tank that Aya can jump into called Undead 42.
    Sadly, Undead 42 isn’t the zombie flavored answer to the question of the meaning of life, the universe, and everything.

Chrono Cross

Clock Tower 3

  • During Clock Tower 3, when the game shows the Hamilton Clover necklace in a blue vista breaking into bits after Philip's murder:
    Meanwhile, the clover pendant enters extra-dimensional space usually reserved for heated courtroom battles.
    • Likewise, when a statue starts crying tears of blood at the start of the game, he refers to it as the "Patron Saint Shibito".

Dirge of Cerberus

  • In a meta example, following the WRO base getting attacked in Dirge of Cerberus:
    Cait Sith: Number Five is alive!
    TDI: I don't know what's sadder. The fact that out of everything from the rubble of the WRO, he took a spare robotic cat, the fact that Reeve has had five plus Cait Sith's kicking around, or the fact that he has, in fact, gotten his robotic cat killed four times now.

    Edit: Forget all those. It's the fact that this is a Short Circuit reference out of fucking nowhere.


Drakengard 3

Final Fantasy X

I am Setsuna

  • The first time the party sees Nidr.
    Endir: "That thing is too big to be called a sword. Too big, too thick, too heavy and too rough. It’s more like a large hunk of iron."
  • On meeting Reaper.
    "Time to battle the mysterious Reaper, a grown man cosplaying as the grim reaper who never learned you can reload guns and twirls around in battle shooting in all directions while shouting "DIE DIE DIE" like an angsty teenager."
  • On the subject of the Fridging Caves.
    "What is a Fridging, anyway? It sounds akin to some poorly censored cursing in an R-rated movie being broadcast on TBS. Are we going to find out what happens when you meet a stranger in the Alps? Did Nidr end up with those scars on his face from eating pineapple? Is the boss gonna be Mr. Falcon?"
  • When the party meets the Time Judge and learns she created Aeterna, Endir asks this question.
    Endir: Did you just poop out your younger self at some point...? Is she like your daughter-clone? Cuz I’ve heard someone try that before and it ended uhh... weird. What's YOUR deal? Who are you?



NieR: Automata

  • The chapter title for when 2B and 9S land on Earth is called The Last of Bots
  • Chapter 16, which is about the first battle with Adam, is titled "None Wang Angel."
  • Chapter 18, which is about the first visit to the Amusement Park, is titled "Carnival Fair Zone."
  • This moment from when 2B and 9S nearly get stomped on by an Engels.
    Id: SWEET FANCY BEEPY! 9S, I thought you were some kind of Scanner model. You’ve gotta tell me if your special eyes Detective Eagle vision, or however that works, picked up that there’s a five story dude the next block over. That would be helpful information to possess!
  • The chapter where the Dead All Along aliens are revealed is called Mars People.
  • Chapter 30, which is about the "Retrieve the Confidential Information" quest is titled "Welcome to the Family, Son."
  • Just as Id's about to fight So-Shi.
    One of those GLaDOS personality cores has really been eating its Wheaties.
  • The chapter for the boss fight in chapter 63 is Parasite Eve.
  • During the second time Id plays the prologue, when the group of Engels units appear after the boss fight, they all start singing "Last Surprise".
  • The title for chapter 73 is "Heritage For The Future."
  • The title for chapter 87 is titled "LA NoiRHA."
  • In chapter 110 when 9S comes into the forest and sees it covered in fog.
    Boy, who added the Nintendo 64 levels of fog in here? Is 9S gonna pick up a Cerebral Bore around here somewhere? I’d be OK with that...

Resident Evil

  • Way back in Resident Evil 4, after giving the developers hell over their insistence around release that the game's setting, which was clearly influenced by Spain, was in fact not Spain, and as such repeatedly referring to the country in question as "Notspain", he then decides it should be called Sapin instead.
  • Dark Id refers to Mike in Resident Evil 4 as:
    Dark Id: Meet Mike, he pilots a helicopter, he blows shit up, and speaks with a stereotypical New York accent, and if we ever saw his face, I guarantee he's wearing shades and an American flag bandana.
    • Plus, when Mike dies, his last words are "Well America!"
  • In Dead Aim, when an alarm starts sounding for no immediately-obvious reason, Id quips that "someone isn't getting a silent assassin rating".
  • One chapter of his R Emake LP has Chris witness the arrival of a UFO. He is then called "a jerk" and "a total prick" by the UFO's occupant, who is very likely Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged.

Shadow Hearts

  • Chapter 1 is titled Midnight Train
  • On seeing an invisible entity blocking a Japanese officer's bullets shot at "Roger Bacon."
    It seems the dapper gentleman either has some kind of anti-bullet shield or... No! Could this be the work of an enemy Stand!?
  • Chapter 4 is titled Ghost Dad.
  • On the first meeting with the Masks.
    Yuri: You think I’m scared!? Don’t make me laugh! I’ve been huntin’ monsters for over ten years. I’ve been carving them up all across the world, pal.
    Sword Mask: Oh my... A monster hunter for generations, are we? I bet you have some stories. Heh heh.
    Yuri: Tri me!
  • In chapter 7, Yuri has these tips for Alice.
    Yuri: I’ve been doing this for a while. So here’s some tips... You see any little girls or church folk from a religion you don’t recognize? Get out of there!
    Alice: Got it!
    Alice: O-Ok...
    Yuri: And if you see anyone wandering around that looks normal but they’re looking for any of those things I mentioned? Lost cause! Sever.
    Alice: ...Right.
    Yuri: Oh yeah. You see a ghost? Punch it.
    Alice: Punch... it...?
    Yuri: Punch it! Nothing good ever happens with ghosts. They’re either evil, or a pain in the ass or both. Skip the cameras and just get punching.
    Alice: ......
  • Chapter 53 has this discussion between Viscount Rausan and Roger Bacon.
    Bacon: Good man. Your reputation as the last true leader of the Temple Knights is well deserved. I heard rumors a band of assassins had done quite a number on your order in recent years. Your men seem to be terrified of anyone wearing a hood. Curious...
    Rausan: <sigh> Let's not get into that here...

Shadow Hearts: Covenant

  • On finding out that the opening of the game is in Domremy, France, and not in Notspain.
    Oh. Wait... Shoot. I'm getting my wires crossed. False alarm... It turns out we're heading to the town of Domremy, of a currently unknown country, about 90 years before Leon Kennedy sent the better part of the population of Notspain to Suplex City.
  • This conversation in the Tower of Apoina between Nicolai and Karin.
    Nicolai: Many have been imprisoned and died here over the years. Noblemen who lost in battle, tragic princesses who were thought to have died of illnesses. Assassins who saw it fit to get into fist fights with the Pope.
    Karin: That's happened before?
    Nicolai: Oh yes, indeed. It's a story for another day.
  • Chapter 20 is titled "Busta Wolf."
  • Chapter 21 is titled "Sweet Chin Music."
    • There's this dialogue Yuri says when Karin protests to going through a haunted mine to go to Wales.
      Yuri: You scared of a few little ghoulies? Don't worry, I won't let you get grabbed by any of 'em.
  • In Chapter 26, Yuri tries to cheer up the Ring Soul.
    Yuri: Hey hey! Come on! Get serious!
  • In Chapter 29, Yuri has a conversation with an NPC, Anxious Al.
    Anxious Al: *sigh* The war is spreading, but they'd never be so boorish as to bring the battlefield here, would they?! Florence is a town with a long and distinguished history, loved by the artists for centuries. Plus it's been under the protection of the Assassins since 1499 when they beat the Pope in a fistfight. No Templar would dare step foot here to this day.
    Yuri: ...The what and huh now?
    Anxious Al: I see we are already besieged by the boorish and ignorant.
  • Chapter 32 is titled André the Giant
  • In Chapter 41, after Blanca's Wolf Bout with Philipe, the two of them talk about the rules of nature.
    Blanca: I didn't have time to be fooling around. Sorry, but I had to do that for you. It's just the rules of nature.
    Philipe: <nods> And they run when the sun comes up with their lives on the line.
    Blanca: Alive for a while.
    Philipe: No choice. Gotta follow the laws of the wild.
  • Chapter 47 is titled Dances with Wolves.
  • Chapter 52 is titled Star Wolf
  • Chapter 54
  • Chapter 59
    • One of the NPCs Yuri talks to, Fervent Joseph, has this.
      Fervent Joseph: Since the kidnapping, parliament's been frozen. No one's listening to the troubles of the people! It'll only lead to riots and strikes! They're totally out of touch with the students and the poor! You can't cut back on student funding! You will regret this!
  • Chapter 63
  • Chapter 66
    • Joachim gets his latest weapon, the Frozen Tuna.
      Joachim: Ah, this heft! I can hear the battle cry of men of the sea now! For we... are men... of the sea!
      Anastasia: I'm a girl!
      Yuri: Knock it off, you're going to get us sued by Square-Enix!
  • Chapter 72
    • After reading the in-game description for Hati, which was created by a mad alchemist, Id says this about alchemists in general.
      Id: "Alchemists are just behind wizards with no sense of right or wrong. Let me tell you, NEVER let them have both a daughter and a dog under the same roof!"
  • Chapter 73
  • Chapter 92 is titled New Japan Pro-Wrestling
  • In Chapter 98, the party meets Dr. Hojo.
    Hojo: <laughs> You're not going anywhere! My Master Cylinder is more than enough to take care of the likes of you! Now I will show you the true unbridled power of SCIENCE!
    Yuri: Oh, jeez, not again... ...Who is this guy?
    Hojo: I am the great genius, Dr. Hojo!
    Yuri: ...The guy that tried to breed a fire lion and a flower girl?
    Hojo: NO! That's another Dr. Hojo!
    Yuri: Oh... Yeah, OK. Again WHO are you...? Ugh, whatever. Let's get this done.
  • In Chapter 101 in Inugami Village, Kurando speaks to an old woman.
    Kurando: Nanna! Going strong as ever, are you?
    Nanna: <nods> Oh yes! Battling on! I suplexed a rowdy deer just yesterday. Can't have those critters causing a ruckus in the village.
    Joachim: My word!
    Kurando: Where is she?
    Nanna: You mean Saki? She's at the Fountain of Sukune. She's been praying ever since last night. She had a bad premonition. It might even be a Deadly Premonition.
  • In Chapter 102 after the description of Blanca's latest weapon, Lion's Polish.
  • In Chapter 105 after Blanca defeats Lobo and learns Aurora, a full party heal for 54 MP.
  • Chapter 106 has Id getting annoyed at the universe's insistence he watch Fullmetal Alchemist.
    Id: Yuri groggily climbs up and notices he's in front of one of those locked gates in the northern end of the Graveyard. If you can't recall, it's the same area where Karin and Yuri traveled to the Mirror Castle to go talk to Albert Simon's ghost. There were two gates there and this is the other one. Perhaps, The Truth lies beyond this one. Why does Full Metal Alchemist keep getting brought up? I'm not rewatching Brotherhood, universe. It's already taking me a hundred years to find the time to get through Hunter × Hunter. I can only do one long anime at a time and I already watched that one!
  • Chapter 109 has Minister Ishimura's grandson Kosuke try to defend his ailing grandfather.
    Kosuke: Don't you touch my grandpa, you hear!
    Yuri: What's with this sassy... lost child?
  • Chapter 111 starts off with this sentence.
    Id: The game gets rather vague as to what the heck we're supposed to do now to further Roger Bacon's Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Coping Method of resurrecting Alice Elliot from the dead.
  • Chapter 116 is titled Boss Baby.
  • Chapter 122 after getting through the Brutal Bonus Level of the Neam Ruins.
    Gepetto: The waves are focusing in the center of the altar. You can feel something creepy coming of them, right?
    Yuri: There's definitely some sort of chaos energy coming out of that emerald.
    Gepetto: <nods> Mhm. It'd be terrible if it fell into the wrong hands.
    • At the end of the chapter when going over the monsters, one of them is Talos, which was built by Hephaestus.
    Id: Hephaestus, you're a dick. I'm glad Kratos murdered the shit out of you.
  • Chapter 124 has Albert Simon coming up with new names for Amon's newest form.
    Albert: A vast power lies beyond this mirror. A forbidden power surpassing Amon's.
    Yuri: A forbidden power?!
    Albert: I call it... Amon 2: The Sequel to Amon.
    Yuri: ...... Can we workshop that, Albert?
    Albert: Hmm. Amon X2!
    Yuri: That is just Amon 2 but you put an "X" in front of it. That's still lame.
    Albert: Amon X2 #Reload!
    Yuri: ...X2 Sharp Reload? What the hell does that even MEAN Albert?
    Albert: Fine. Amon XX Slash
    Yuri: What is with the "X"s?! What does that mean, Albert?! What are you doing?
    Albert: Amon XX Accent Core Plus R
    Yuri: Albert Simon, pal. Are you... are you having a stroke? Can ghosts have strokes?
    Albert: Amon Xrd.
    Yuri: What...?! I'm good with words and I know that is NOT a word!
    Albert: Fine. OK... How about... Neo Amon?
    Yuri: ...... ...... ...... ...... ...Yeah, that works.
  • Chapter 127 has him ready to continue with the Doll House II: The Reckoning Revelations ~ Origins.
    • Gepetto and Cornelia are transported into the Fiddy Zone.
  • Chapter 128 is titled Garou: Mark of the Wolves
    'Blanca: Awroo? (Beast Medal? What's this...?)
    Ernest: It's the fruit of my research. Animal Technology—surpassing even Wolf Technology! I'm sure it will help you in future battles.
    Blanca: Awroo... Awroo, awroo! (Beast medal, huh...? Pretty fancy name. Thanks. I'm sure it'll come in handy.)
    Ernest: A weapon to surpass Metal Wolf Chaos.
    Blanca: Awroo. (I don't know what that means.)
  • In Chapter 129 while going over the bestiary, one of the monsters for the Dog Shrine is an Otoroshi which is a Brain Monster.
  • Chapter 133 has Lucia finally redeem herself with the Tarot cards during the Gaap fight by pulling Judgment upright, and then finally pulling... ZA WARUDO! TOKI WO TOMARE!note 
  • In Chapter 141, when Id finally gets around to the Asuka Stone Platform, one of the monsters that's fought is Ashra, which is just a mistranslation of Asura.
    Id: Asura is the term in Buddhism mythology for roughly a demigod. They often have three faces (or heads) and a bunch of arms. They may sometimes be extremely angry Liam O'Brien.
  • Chapter 143 is titled Suddenly Susan-O.



  • From The Silver Case
  • He drops Legacy of Kain references every now and then, from mentioning he's going to wipe sheep from the world of Nier "like excrement from a boot" (indeed, he might drop the phrase when a game demands he wipe out an enemy type) to his conviction that Yoko Taro, like all failed Japanese businessmen, was cast into the Abyss when Cavia went under to throwing in pictures of Raziel whenever eating souls is mentioned or the name itself turns up.
  • Shout-Out Theme Naming: The chapters of his Resident Evil and Clock Tower 3 LPs were named after, respectively, songs and other video games.
