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Shout Out / Space Patrol Luluco

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     Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt 
  • The artstyle appears to be based on Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt. Straight, thick lines and all, minus the The Powerpuff Girls-styled eyes. The transformation sequences may have also been based on the transformations from said anime, with the energy circles going down from top to bottom to don the Space Patrol with new clothes.
  • All the phones look like remodels of the Heaven GPS'.
  • Midori buying stuff with the Illegal Blackhole App and using it to turn her hand gigantic bears similarities to Panty and Stocking accidentally summoning Judgement down to crush Corset.
  • Space Patrol Luluco having multiple seasons under only 13 episodes is Studio TRIGGER slighly making fun of the fans constantly asking for more seasons of PASWG.

    Season 1 

Episode 1

Episode 3

    Season 2 

Episode 1

  • The entire episode is one big Shout Out to Armageddon (1998):
    • The plot revolves around having to fly into space to stop a meteor from reaching "zero barrier" and causing massive damage to Earth
    • Alpha Omega Nova asks Luluco to promise him she will return and has an emotional video call when she fears she will not make it
    • Luluco is almost blown up with the meteor like Harry was in the end before she uses Judgement Gun Morphing to escape
  • Midori in this frame is drawn in a style reminiscent of GeGeGe no Kitarō. Her third eye even stands in for Medama-Oyaji.
  • The space shuttle is designed after Astrotrain from Transformers: Generation 1.
  • Luluco's mother's Badass Cape appears to be made out of Life Fibers.
  • Wooser once again shows up in the Pop-Up Pirate game.

Episode 2

Episode 3

  • In Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Lordgenome is reduced to a head but can still control the spaceship as a bio-computer. Here, the same thing happens to Keiji, whose remaining slice of head is used in the same fashion, as a living navigator device.
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion gets parodied with the alert that appears on the pirate spaceship when Midori is using her illegal app against them: BLOOD TYPE GREEN - MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRL. It's a parody of the standard alert screen that appears on NERV terminals whenever an Angel attacks.

    Season 3 

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

  • This episode is a crossover with the SEX and VIOLENCE with MACHSPEED.

    Season 4 

Episode 1

  • The Blackholians are somewhat similar to the Anti-Spirals, in that they travel the universe and wait until a civilization is fully developed... so that they can steal all of their most valuable stuff. The scene with the Blackholian looming over Luluco's dying body is similar to the scene in Lagann-Hen where it looks like the Anti-Spiral is about to rape Nia.
    • They also have black holes for faces, much like, well, Black Hole.
  • Nova's betrayal draws some parallels to Stocking Anarchy.
  • Lalaco is seen holding what seems Shiny Chariot's rod.
    • or maybe it is the dark rod created by Croix, as a Call-forward.
  • When the Blackholian says that now they want to steal only useless and trashy stuff, the last image representing said stuff is a detail from the poster of the infamous B-movie Not Of This Earth. Before that there were every kinds of things including dinosaurs, the Lost Continent of Mu, ancient mysterious objects such as the Antikythera Mechanism and several modern-day junk, including Kairu the dolphin (the Japanese version of Clippy) and a tape taken from the Japan Animator Expo short Cassette Girl (here, if you are curious).
  • The Blackholian is basically a recolor from an enemy in Power Rangers S.P.D. Also note that S.P.D. stands for Space Patrol Delta.

Episode 2

Episode 3

  • Nova is revealed to be horribly scarred in this episode. Two of his scars are long and run down his back, which gives off the impression that he had wings at one point. Another one is on his forehead, implying that he was injured there. This basically means that Nova is an expy of Panty Anarchy.
    • Another scar on his back resembles the Kizna Emblem.
    • When he first shows up in the episode, he's sitting the same way that Kaworu did in Evangelion.
  • After gaining the ability to feel, Nova tells the Blackholian he's not his puppet anymore. Several people noticed the similarity between him and Brief's pretty boy form, and in fact Brief himself tells his father that he's not his doll anymore near the end of his series... which, in turn, was a reference to Rei Ayanami telling that same line to Gendo Ikari before merging with Lilith.
  • Luluco's Badass Armfold while riding on Lalaco's pirate ship is near identical to GunBuster riding on the bow of the Exelion.

    Season Final 
  • During the final battle, Luluco says "People die when they are shot."
  • Nova gets several more scenes referencing Kaworu from Rebuild of Evangelion. His head is the target of the Blackholian black hole bomb that detonates the moment he does something against them and he later has a scene where he's traveling across the screen similar to Kaworu's brief appearance as Mari removes Shinji's entry plug near the end of 3.0. He even promises they'll meet again.
  • When she powers up, Luluco's side-tie migrates to the top of her head to resemble Nono's Idiot Hair from DieBuster.
  • At the end, Lalaco is attacking a Kiznaiver planet.
  • Luluco turns into Miss Trigger.
  • Nova's death involving the defeat of their greatest enemy despite the fact that he will disappear with them is very reminiscent of Nia's death.
  • In The Stinger, Luluco high-fives Akko, signaling that Little Witch Academia is getting another continuation. I guess having your company's own mascot high-five you indicates your series is up next.
  • Ariel Suzuki (herself an April O'Neil Expy) of Inferno Cop shows up at the end.
