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Shout Out / 8-Bit Theater

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Anime & Manga

Comic Books

  • The opening segment of the epilogue is an obvious shout out to Kingdom Come.
  • The strip where Dr Swordopolis asks Fighter "Did you choose the sword, or did the sword choose you?" is titled "A Shout-Out to All You Web-Heads Out There", presumably referencing J. Michael Straczynski's "Did the spider choose you?" storyline.
  • Episode 830 is called "Fighterine" and has Red Mage divide the Light Warriors into three teams called Uncanny, Astonishing and Extreme. These are all prefixes to X-Men comics, and the fact Fighter's on all the teams at once is a dig at Wolverine Publicity.
  • In Episode 863, Fighter's description of how White Mage might react to the destruction of Onrac bears a startling similarity to Hal Jordan's reaction to the destruction of Coast City. The strip is called "Emerald Dawn", which is also the title of one of Hal's origin stories. A few strips later, we get "Emerald Twilight", which is the title of the afore-referenced "Hal goes evil" storyline.



Live-Action TV


Tabletop Games

  • Exalted:
    • When Red Mage tells Fighter to "Make your swords as things unto chainsaws", the card he uses to do it is an Exalted charm-tree card; the name and effect refer to a (now fixed) exploit with Exalted's Glorious Solar Saber charm where you could theoretically conjure a sword capable of making infinite attacks in a single second, which fans affectionately called the Glorious Chainsaw Method.
    • Red Mage's advice to Fighter has both the visual appearance and the naming style of an Exalted Charm.
  • Episode 645— Red Mage explains where they get their new powers from:
    Red Mage: But now we've ventured into an expansion. All-new, Absurdly powerful Occupational Character Classes are now available!
    Black Mage: And where does this alleged power creep come from?
    Red Mage: Rifts in Space-Time, mostly.


  • In one strip, prior to a mass stabbing, Red Mage tells the victim that the Light Warriors are "gonna get Ides of March on your ass."

Video Games

Web Animation

  • In this strip when Drizz'l describes the true guardian of Marsh Cave, Black Mage imagines Trogdor.


Western Animation

  • Family Guy:
    • In this strip:
      Red Mage: Love, hate, clouds, *thud*.
    • This strip makes another Family Guy reference - one Black Mage hilariously subverts.
  • When Bikke fantasises about leading the Dark Warriors, he imagines them all as pirates with a "Pirates of Dark Warriors" logo that looks a lot like that of The Pirates of Dark Water.
  • The works of Matt Groening are referenced quite frequently, particularly in earlier strips.
    • Akbar's Airships (Not Deathtraps) has a counterpart store called Jeff's Discount Deathtraps as a reference to Akbar and Jeff. Jeff has yellow skin and an overbite.
    • Black Mage's interaction with the spell shop owner is drawn from Bart and Comic Book Guy's dialogue in "The Day the Violence Died."
    • The old man's rambling about summoning circles—er, squares, is reminiscent of Grampa Simpson's never-ending yarn about the ferry to Shelbyville from "Last Exit to Springfield."
    • Dental plan!


  • Red Mage has a universe-destroying spell called "Ice-9". This is a triple shout out to the also dangerous substance from the Kurt Vonnegut novel Cat's Cradle, level-nine spells in Dungeons & Dragons, and the simple naming system in early Final Fantasy games (Ice-1, Bolt-2, Fire-1, etc.).
