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Series / Private Benjamin (1981)

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A 1981 American sitcom based on movie of the same name that has the titular character (Lorna Patterson), a spoiled woman who joins the army.

The show also starred Eileen Brennannote , Joyce Little, Robert Mandan, Ann Ryerson, Wendie Jo Sperber, and Lucy Webb.

It aired from April 6, 1981 to January 10, 1983 on CBS.

Tropes for the series:

  • Dressing as the Enemy: In one episode, Judy is mistakenly promoted to Brigadier General, they're taking part in a war gam exercise, with the two sides wearing different color armbands (red and blue) but the same uniforms.
  • Expository Theme Tune: The second season title sequence began with a call-and-response song explaning the premise.
  • Gun Stripping: The first season finale when the girls are being tested at the end of basic training. While the tester is reading a car explaining she was being tested on this, Private Winter stripped and reassembled her rifle, then handed it back just as the tester said, "Go".
  • Overranked Soldier: The show had one episode where Judy is mistakenly promoted to Major, then to Brigadier General, just in time for war games exercise.
  • Repetitive Name: In one episode, Judy gets a visit from her grandfather, Benjamin Benjamin.
  • Toothbrush Floor Scrubbing: The show had a tag at the end of an episode where the girls had to polish Capt. Lewis' jeep using Q-Tips.
