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Self Demonstrating / Starwalker

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I will also        Pose

(Read in this        Voice)

This wiki is Pissing me off...

I'm the original        Starwalker

I was in that        Game

First the birds Pissed me off

Then the jail Pissed me off

But then I        joined the Castle        town

And I also helped in the final         Battle with the        Power of Star Walker

Nice to Meet        you

These tropes are Pissing me off...

  • Animation Bump: My Star Walking was         Smooth when I joined But usually I just         Slide
  • Beyond the Impossible: I hang out in the          Upperleftcorner and don't turn to stone when in the Cyber         World
  • Bold Inflation: I like to speak Certain         words in         Gold
  • Character Catchphrase: "These X are Pissing me off..."/"This X is Pissing me off..."
  • Inexplicably Awesome: I have two         Powers I don't turn to         stone and I power up the giant         Robot
  • Interface Screw: The upper Left          corner is My         space
  • Joke Character: My entire existence is         a Joke... Stop laughing it's Pissing me off
  • Lethal Joke Character: In that other         Game you can play as Me in the Practice         mode where I use my Power of Star Walker to destroy puppet         Guy's giant robot. GG E.Z.
  • no punctuation is funnier: Punctuation Pisses me off...
  • Optional Party Member: Parodied... Once you find me in the          Forest I will join your item         pouch with blue Boy and Blue         man and later I will         slide Behind you at the          fair
  • Psycho Prototype: Inverted: I'm the original         Starwalker but I'm the         nicest one unlike the birds that Piss me off
  • Say My Name: I will Always          remind you that I'm the original         Starwalker
  • Secret Character: If you find          me in the Forest then I will also         join you in your castle        Town
  • Verbal Tic: I like to put long         Pauses between my         words

Star Walker
