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Hartman Hips is wishy-washy in its description— it mentions several times that large hips can be used to emphasize a character's mature femininity, or motherliness, but then it goes back and says "or it can also be sexy... or it can just be realistic... or it can be to get feminine curves into a g-rated show..." etc. Ultimately, the only required description is just, "has large hips"

I think that there is a real characterization-by-appearance trope here— a female character has large hips to emphasize that she is mature, womanly, and/or maternal. This is not, however, how the trope is currently being used

Wick Check!

     True ZC Es and potholes (18/50) 

     Non-creepily states that the character has large hips, no further context (12/50) 

     Drooling over character butts (8/50) 

     Mentioned in universe (6/50) 

     Discussing the concept of characters having large hips/butts, in general (6/50) 

In addition, because this is an appearance trope, I also looked up the characters when possible, and checked how many actually fit the trope in terms of appearance. I put them in three groups:

  • Fully correct: exaggerated pear figure, with a clear silhouette 12 characters, 28%
  • Curvy: character has a design that emphasizes the hips, but its less clear-cut 17 characters, 40%
  • Not an Example: character just fully does not have big hips, by any definition. 14 characters, 32%

to keep it consistent, here's approximately the standard I used:

I was genuinely baffled by some of the characters listed here. All of these characters are seriously listed as having hartman hips:

How To Do It Plot/ Logistics Plot

A plot which focuses heavily on the mundane details of how the characters accomplish something. The characters know what they are trying to do— now they actually have to do it. Stuff like, gathering supplies, putting together plans, testing their designs, — in some stories, this might be handled in a quick montoge, but instead it is shown step-by-step, so that audiences can follow the details.

Often involves

Much more common in video games
