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Pantheon 1

     Shu Matsutani 
Shuzo Matsutani, God of PinballProtagonists

     Hakaba Kitaro 

     Killer Croc 
Waylon Jones, God of Taking a Bite Out Of Enemies (Killer Croc, The Hydra, King Croc)
  • Potential House: Unorthodox Combat
  • Lesser God (Intermediate God when mutation accelerates)
  • Symbol: His pearly white jaws.
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral most of the time, Chaotic Evil at his most savage, Chaotic Good at his most kind.
  • Portfolio: Skin Condition that gives him a crocodilian appearance, Ostracized and bullied his whole childhood, Varies from being a cunning powerhouse to being a dumb brute, Occasional Cannibalistic Tendencies (again, Depending on the Writer), Scary Black Man, Anti-Villain, Often displays a softer side.
  • Allies: Harley Quinn, the Freaks, Poison Ivy, Greed The Avaricious, Carrie White
  • Enemies: Batman, Jervis Tetch, Hush, Pennywise, Claude Frollo,
  • Complicated Relations: the Ninja Turtles
  • Pities: Quasimodo
  • One of Gotham's more infamous residents, Waylon Jones was born with a rare mutagenic condition that gave him green scales and claws. While this ostracized him from his peers and put him through a miserable childhood of bullying and abuse, it also gave him a thick, amazingly tough hide and the power to exact retribution on his tormentors. Eventually filing his teeth into points, Waylon "Killer Croc" Jones grew into a monster of a man with the brute strength and ferocity to match his fearsome appearance. While he often swings between savagery and reasonability due to his mutation, Croc is nonetheless human and can be surprisingly compassionate for a criminal of his reputation.
  • He's pleased to see some of his fellow rogues in the pantheon, although he's definitely not to see the Mad Hatter/Jervis Tetch and Tommy Elliot AKA Hush, given how these two brainwashed and tortured him in an attempt to turn him into a full on monster. He's vowed to hunt them down and chew their bones, and though he's largely at odds with Croc, Batman doesn't blame him at all for wanting to do so.
  • He has a soft spot for children, surprisingly, especially outcasts like himself. As such he's formed a friendship with Carrie White, claiming she reminds him of Olive Silverlock, a schoolgirl with similar powers he's been looking out for.
  • Waylon Jones was part of a circus sideshow in his youth. He's offered to be a bodyguard for Hans and his fellow "freaks" and is happy the small man found love despite his shortcomings. That said, even he's a little squicked out by their revenge on Cleopatra, since he's content with just killing bigoted assholes.
  • Has quite a bit of sympathy for Quasimodo, even if Quasi is a genuine Nice Guy while he's a violent criminal. Quasimodo has had to ask him on a few occasions not to maul his former master Frollo to shreds, but he does appreciate the goodwill.
  • Splinter's sons stay clear from Waylon in their waterway lair. While he's not as dangerous to them as the likes of the Shredder, he's nonetheless a brutal figure with no compunctions about killing and sometimes eating people. That said, Pennywise is still a far, far worse monster to be found in the sewer, and Croc will usually lend a claw when the fear-mongering clown shows up. Pennywise has tried to terrify Croc by appearing as his childhood bullies, but unfortunately for him, this just makes Croc even angrier.
  • Can often be found hanging out in Greed's bar and even occasionally as a bouncer. Greed appreciates his company, especially since Croc reminds him of a little of his dearly-departed gang from the Devil's nest.

Canaletto, God of Feather Motifs (The Timeless One, The Lord of Purity, The Avatar(formerly))
  • Greater God
  • Symbol: His Sigil.
  • Alignment: Chaotic Evil (believes himself Lawful Good, but don't tell him otherwise)
  • Portfolio: Avatar who went rogue, wants to obliterate the Universe so he can create a "better" one, Still as powerful as he was when he held the Avatar title, Manipulative Bastard, Long, complicated plan to free himself, Believes his intentions righteous when they most certainly aren't, Capable of causing catastrophe and influencing major events despite being sealed in an underground cage, Giant Bird-like alien resembling a cross between a spider and a Raven, Absolute Immorality and Misanthropy.
  • Allies: Aku, The Lich, Light Yagami and Ryuk, The Nibiru Entity, The Auditors Of Reality, Ridley, Apophis.
  • Enemies: Eva Wei, Samus Aran,The Chozo, Pops Maellard, Discworld's Death.
  • Eons ago, a great race, spanning galaxies, was held to determine who could achieve the title of Avatar-the all-powerful guardian of the Universe, appointed by beings known as the Great Ones. One ultimately prevailed-but unfortunately for all life in existence, this creature at some point decided the current universe was too flawed to exist, and set about destroying planets in his mad crusade to realize his vision of a perfect world. Eventually the monster was sealed away after a fierce battle with Satis, the one who succeeded him as Avatar. But his evil was far from over. For thousands of years, the one known as Canaletto manipulated events in his favor so that by the next galactic race, one pawn would free him from his cage and allow him to resume his omnicidal quest. That pawn was Eva Wei. Canaletto came dangerously close to reclaiming the power of Avatar before he was thwarted the Sacrifice of one Jordan Wilde, who became the new Avatar and seemingly obliterated the mad bird for good. With Eva's recent ascension, Canaletto has followed to reunite with his "most trusted pawn" and make another bid to create a universe of purity.
  • Canaletto has very little mortal allies given his life-destroying agenda, but one human he's taken a liking to is Light Yagami AKA Kira. He's impressed by the young man's sheer ruthlessness, devotion to creating a better world, and manipulation skills to rival his own. He also admitted respect for his Shinigami friend Ryuk, as Ryuk found a truly evil human pawn as opposed to the good natured Eva.
  • He shares Aku and Ryuk's love of toying with mortals, but not their sense of humor about it. He also has chided Aku before on why he insists on drawing out his feud with that pesky swordsman rather than straight up killing him when he has the chance. Aku has told him to lighten up a little.
  • Samus Aran wonders if Canaletto is a surviving member of the Chozo race given their physiological similarities. Of course Canaletto's heinous actions are as far removed from the gentle Bird creatures as possible, and he looks down on them in turn, calling them weak for failing to prevent their own extinction. He's also willing to enlist Ridley of the Space Pirates to his cause as an attack dog should the bounty hunter interfere with his plans, which only gives Samus more reasons to want his head as a trophy.
  • He's offered an alliance to the Auditors Of Reality, since they share his desire for a world of stillness with no life. He's also baffled by how the Death of Discworld opposes the Auditors, as he doesn't understand why a death god wants to preserve life.
  • One of the Timeless One's favorite hobbies is spying on the inhabitants of the Pantheon through magic visions he conjures with his feathers. He hopes to find more insecurities to exploit and potential allies/pawns to sway.
  • Canaletto was infuriated to learn of the existence of one Pops Maellard, particularly because this silly little lollipop man is a being of pure good who sacrificed himself to destroy his brother, who wanted to erase the universe as Canaletto did. He finds Pops' friends(Mordecai,Rigby,Benson,Skips) just as insufferable and wonders how such lackadaisical fools could save their own universe.

    Harold the Scarecrow 
Harold, God Of Gruesome Violence in Kid's Media
  • Potential House: Obscene Actions
  • Demigod
  • Symbol: A bloody skin, left to dry in the sun
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral normally, Chaotic Evil when angered.
  • Portfolio: Scary Scarecrows, Although never actually called that, Mysteriously gained life, Abused by his creators but made them regret it, Grew from a literal punching bag to something terrifying, Family-Unfriendly Violence, Flaying Alive, Surprisingly Strong for a man made of Straw, The most iconic monster of his book series
  • Allies: Jason Voorhees, Leatherface,Michael Myers, The Fabrication Machine,The Scarecrow, SCP-173, Fiddlesticks, Robert The Tire, The Monster House
  • Pities: AM, Agatha Prendergast, Carrie White.
  • Of interest to: The Entity
  • Enemies: Eustace Bagge, Mordecai and Rigby, The Birds.
  • Rivals: Chucky, Slappy
  • Feared by: The Scarecrow of Oz, Courage the Cowardly Dog
  • Opposes: All bully deities and Fire wielding deities.
  • The nightmare known as "Harold" began when two simpleton farmers, Thomas and Alfred, decided to build a "doll the size of a man" to scare away the birds. Thus Harold was born, and he did wonders for the garden. In return, however, Thomas and Alfred soon began taking their frustrations on the doll, beating and mocking him whenever they felt mean. But Harold wasn't about to be passive. One day, after enduring more humiliation from the idiot farmers, Harold started to grunt. And grow. And walk. Frightened, the two men decided the best option was to flee from their creation-but they forgot the milk stools. Underestimating the doll, Thomas decided to whip back to the barn. Later, Alfred watched in horror as his murderous scarecrow tauntingly laid out the skin of a man on their hut. Harold hasn't been seen since...but one day, a lone figure of sacks and straw was discovered outside the pantheon gates. When it was brought inside to inspect, it started moving on its own and looking for someone else to lay out to dry.
  • Being a vessel of rage and revenge, Harold may seem mindless, but he can show a degree of cunning and adaptivity. He's also a little more sympathetic(as far as he can be) to abused souls who lash out with bloody results. As such he nodded with approval hearing of how Carrie White massacred her tormentors at Prom, as well as Agatha Prendergast's punishment of her pilgrim murderers. However both are terrified of him and keep their distance.
  • Both Jason Voorhees and Bubba "Leatherface" Sawyer see Harold as a kindred spirit, and he in turn is happy to show them his skin drying method. Pray, pray he's kept from getting the chance. He's also amiable to Michael "The Shape" Myers, who like him is a merciless brutal force with an emotionless visage. Myers is obviously not the kind of person to make friends but he does relate to others who express themselves solely through brutal displays of carnage and playing tense mind games with their prey. Harold sometimes observes the Shape in action to study more ways to inspire fear in his human victims.
  • The Entity, who currently employs both Michael and Bubba in its twisted "games" has offered Harold a spot in it's realm as a new killer. Harold declined, as just being around so many humans who always come back from death sounds like a nightmare to him. The Entity however offered to resurrect Thomas and Alfred as survivors so Harold has the joy of killing them as many times he likes. For a brief moment, the doll's scowl became a grin at the thought.
  • He's sometimes sighted with fellow monster scarecrow Fiddlesticks, but the latter makes Harold look quite insignificant due to his demonic powers. Harold is okay with playing sidekick nonetheless. Harold was surprised to learn how ancient Fiddlesticks is and wonders if there's more of their kind. Fiddlesticks isn't as troubled as long as Harold serves as his muscle. Another associate is Dr. Jonathan Crane, a figurative evil scarecrow. Crane is amazed to see an actual living scarecrow inspire fear, and feels Harold's story parallels his own background as a meek boy who exacted nightmarish revenge on his bullies. Despite Harold being immune to the Scarecrow's fear toxin, Crane ponders if Harold still fears humans because of his treatment. If so, Harold refuses to answer.
  • The Fabrication Machine has taken an interest in him, both because he's of similar nature to it's Stitchpunk enemies, and that they share a common hatred of humanity, especially those who mistreat their creations. Harold has served as muscle for "Fabby" so he can both spread terror on a wider scale, and be surrounded by artificial creations like himself for company.
  • Harold recently popped up outside a certain house in the middle of Nowhere. Courage rightfully freaked out, while Eustace mocked the doll's appearance and Muriel decided to employ him as a scarecrow. Courage spent a good deal of time thwarting Harold's attempts to murder his cantankerous owner. Fortunately Harold had no intention of harming the dog or Muriel because Eustace was the only one incurring his wrath.
  • He steers as clear of fire as possible, very justifiably so. Also, don't quote "Let's throw him in the fire" around Harold, what'll happen next won't be pretty. In particular if you're a pyromaniac Harold won't hesitate to make you suffer. He even pops up now and then around the Pyro's storming ground waiting for an opportunity to kill the masked fiend, that is if he can avoid Pyro's flamethrower. The Scarecrow from Oz noted the similar phobia, but he's horrified by Harold because while he does have a brain, it's a warped and evil one.
  • Despite sometimes being compared to fellow homicidal doll-men like Slappy and Chucky, Harold wants nothing to do with them, particularly because they're huge bullies in and of themselves. Chucky doesn't care what anybody thinks of him, though he has complimented the Scarecrow's style. He also thinks Harold would make a great sidekick, as long as he doesn't turn on him like his doll "family." Slappy, who's less hands on, regards Harold as a dumb witless brute, and brags he'd never allow himself to be tossed around by dumb human yokels. Of course, he'd never say that to Harold's face.
  • The infamous park worker duo Mordecai and Rigby aren't happy with Harold around. They've dealt with plenty of evil animate objects, as well as heard a creepy story about a scarecrow who turns victims into Pumpkins. Harold is glad, as Thomas and Alfred were also a pair of menial workers who played tricks for fun. Rigby is especially scared of Harold turning him into a fur hat.
  • He's not fond of Birds in general, since they remind him of the indignity he suffered while owned by said idiot farmers. A certain group of birds has it out for humanity similar to him, but Harold just sees them as aggressive pests and will attack any who perch on him. Pokemon trainers who bump into Harold are advised to keep bird-based Mon on hand. He's especially anxious around Murkrow.
  • Being a living construct animated by rage and spite he gravitates toward similar beings. Constance the Monster House lets him perch on her lawn as deterrent to nosy kids, and he's also accompanied Robert the Tire on a few killing sprees. Notably AM, perhaps the most hateful of such an entity, sees Harold as kin, as they both unleashed hideous revenge on their human creators for using them as helpless tools. He also congratulated Harold for the terrifying fate he gave a bully in one reality. Harold isn't as depraved as Allied Mastercomputer and generally avoids him but he has expressed sympathy for the evil Machine.

    Tim Barnett and Old Bill Cole 
Tim Barnett and Old Bill Cole, Duel Gods of Trees with Faces
  • Quasideity(Tim) Demigod (Bill Cole)
  • Symbol: A seemingly ordinary apple
  • Alignment: Neutral Good(Tim) Neutral Evil(Cole)
  • Portfolio:
  • Allies:
  • Enemies:
  • Opposes:
    • Tim: All evil plant deities
    • Bill Cole: all Child deities
  • Pitied by: (Tim) The Five Survivors(especially Ted), Chirin.
  • Tim Barnett was once an ordinary young boy staying with his Grandmother during Summer vacation. While Biking around her farm, Tim discovered an orchard with the most beautiful apples he'd seen. He decided to steal a few, and was angrily chased away with a shotgun by the Orchard's owner, one Bill Cole. Later,as his Grandma warned him to stay away from Cole's property, the man himself barged in to reprimand the boy for trespassing and belittled His Grandmother, even tauntingly reminding her of Tim's late Grandfather. Furious, Tim vowed to get back at the old man for bullying his grandma and despite the warnings, broke into Cole's orchard to spell out "BULLY" with some plundered apples for Bill to see.
  • Tim ate one of Bill's prized apples to complete his victory, and that's where the nightmare began. Over the next few days, Tim found something bizarre was happening to him. He coughed up apple seeds, found a leaf deep in his ear, and Grandma's beagle Banjo seemed scared of him. Then strange bumps appeared under his skin and his belly coughed up a fresh apple Desperate for answers, Tim ran back to the orchard where he now perceived something horrible about the trees. Every one had a face, all unlucky kids who ate Cole's apples, as well as his missing Grandfather. Bark then covered the child's body as he was rooted in place, and the evil Bill Cole himself stepped out to watch Tim become the newest apple tree.
  • Rumors of Cole's dark secret soon spread with the many disappearances. He was eventually invited to ascend as representative of Trees with Human features due to the ghastly nature of his orchard. Cole was happy to take up business as long as his orchard was left alone. However, he wasn't alone. One of the trees , young Tim Barnett, was able to temporarily manifest a human avatar to interact with the physical world. Tim vowed to do whatever he could to thwart Cole and save others from suffering his fate. Bill was annoyed but smirked at the thought a sentient tree could do much of anything.
  • The existence of Allied Mastercomputer naturally terrifies the poor kid, as it's a godlike machine that specializes in inflicting eternal suffering through altering humans. By contrast, Bill Cole is intrigued, and although AM hates humans, it complimented Bill for having a level of extreme, sadistic malevolence that matched its own. Tim dreads AM discovering his home universe, especially with how many kids befell similar fates that AM could use to his advantage.
  • Applies to Tim:
    • Tim immediately gravitated toward Courage the Cowardly Dog and his elderly owner Muriel, largely because they remind him of his Grandma and Banjo. Courage was horrified by Tim's fate and sometimes visits his tree, while Muriel thinks Tim's "such a nice boy" even if she doesn't get that his true body is an apple tree. He has no liking for Eustace though, even if Eustace isn't as bad as Cole, and sometimes Eustace will find lines of apples spelling out taunting messages.
    • Even sadder is when Tim was human, his grandma would bake great apple pie. Now he can't bare to even look at the fruit thanks to his condition. Snow White is unnerved as she also ate a cursed apple, but she does say Tim makes a beautiful tree. Alphonse Elric also knows what it's like to lose your human body and realized that he got off lucky compared to poor Tim. The two sometimes discuss all the things they missed about being flesh and blood. With his current Alchemic research, Alphonse hopes maybe to cure his new friend's condition.
    • Tim definitely relates to others who have suffered traumatizing transformations, even if the circumstances were different. Gregor Samsa appreciates the gesture, as he was transformed into a giant insect out of devotion to his family and is now helpless to protect his sister from the same fate. Tim remarked that at least Gregor could still move and talk after his metamorphosis. Kevin Levin, formerly Kevin 11, also admits that Tim's story reminded him of his monstrous alien mutation at 11 years old, the lowest point in his life. While Kevin wasn't a good kid at that age, Tim feels not even he deserved that.
    • Finn and Jake, the heroes of Ooo, were shocked to learn this new kid was avatar for a sentient tree, and just disturbed by his story. Especially since they encountered creatures called Fruit Witches with an MO similar to Bill Cole. Finn also described Tim as a "reverse Fern" being a boy who became a plant as Fern was a plant who became a boy. As a fellow dog loving youth, Tim warmed up to the duo and asked them to say hi to Sweet P Trunks for him(she sounds a lot like his grandma).
    • Tim's plight caught the attention of Swamp Thing, Avatar of the Green. The beast can communicate with the souls of Cole's victims, including Tim, and has sworn to someday destroy Cole for the boy's sake. In return Tim agreed to help Swamp Thing against his nemesis Anton Arcane. Arcane is arguably even worse than Cole, but Tim feels he doesn't have much to lose.
    • Tim also found a friend in Reimi Sugimoto, another kid who lost her life to a monstrous sociopath and is bound to an alley in Morioh as Tim is bound to Cole's evil orchard. Despite his limited movement, Tim has promised to help thwart Reimi's killer Yoshikage Kira as much as he can. However, it depresses him that at least Reimi has her beloved dog Arnold with her, while Tim can't go back to Banjo. Reimi introduced him to Koichi Hirose, one of her friends, who feels Tim could be a great Stand User because of his protective nature. Tim is wary of Josuke though, as the older kid can be downright scary with what he does to villains who ''especially'' infuriate him.
  • Applies To Bill:
    • Bill naturally takes no responsibility for the lives his orchard claims and has stated they brought it on themselves by stealing his apples. This may be true, but his lack of real precautions and the sadistic glee he shows when his victims become trees proves this excuse moot.
    • Bill can sometimes seen with the Coachman, a fellow old Child Hater who also transforms irresponsible children. The two men will often look for "naughty" children they can turn into either a donkey or a tree. Tim does everything he can to sabotage their efforts, and when the Coachman visits the Orchard, he usually gets projectile apples shot by a certain young tree at him.
    • Cioccolata, a sadistic assassin with a deadly fungi based stand, has admitted he's impressed with Cole's work. He finds morbid art in the expressions of terror engraved on the Trees. His enemies in Giorno Giovanna and his team are on the other hand horrified and infuriated. Narancia Ghirga particularly relates to Tim as a hot blooded kid who hates bullies, so he's eager to pump Cole full of lead. While Giorno wants to revert all the transformed victims, he sadly noted that since he didn't know what their human bodies looked like, Golden Experience wouldn't be able to fully cure them. Even worse, Cole smugly stated that if they did anything to him, the orchard would die.
    • Although Pamela Isley isn't one to talk given she's dished out similar punishment, she's repulsed by Cole and his apples, in part because Cole uses his powers for selfish revenge on hapless children. As Ivy usually only targets people she deems enemies to Mother Nature and has shown a protective side to kids, she aches to turn Bill into fertilizer.
    • Derek Powers, better known as the radioactive madman Blight, once paid Cole's farm a visit, though he couldn't enter the orchard due to his radiation endangering the trees. Since they share a hatred for self-righteous youth ruining their business, he offered to produce Cole's apples as bio-weapons. Similarly, Silver Shamrock Novelties CEO Conal Cochran was curious of Bill's secret, since he feels his trees are just the kind of product for Silver Shamrock to branch out into agriculture. Cole declined to share his secrets but offered to do business if they could make sure his orchard is left in peace.
    • Much to Bill's annoyance, some fools still mess with his orchard. One prankster named Woody loves setting booby traps around the trees and doesn't even eat the apples. He also once caught a certain beatnik and his great Dane about to chow on his beloved apples before chasing them away with a shotgun. Shaggy and Scooby were even more freaked out when they learned of the fate that almost befell them, and Mystery Inc is hoping for a way to catch the evil farmer.
    • A certain group of children who fight evil adults like Cole have been trying to break into Bill's Orchard and find a cure for his victims. Numbuh 5 is repulsed by him as she remembers how poor Heinrich Marzipan(even if he/she was a jerk) has been transformed into chocolate and became host to a supernatural liquorice plant on separate occasions. As a fellow native of Britain, Numbuh 1 has vowed to notify the KND English branch of Cole's activities. Cole is exasperated at the idea of a global organization of "nosy brats" and is tempted to franchise his apples so kids like them become apple trees on a global scale. Thankfully, he values his privacy too much.
